View Full Version : Nigger Pastor knocks out Rotary Club President as he tries to pass out food to the needy

Whitey Ford
04-24-2020, 04:26 PM
In clash over food giveaway, Florida pastor arrested after punching Rotary Club president


With the coronavirus pandemic melting down South Florida’s economy, the Rotary Club this week planned to give away over 1,000 bags of groceries to the most impoverished neighborhood of Opa-locka.

Pastor Burnice Mikell was jailed and charged with aggravated battery on an elderly person. He’s out of jail now on bond, and is also awaiting trial on an earlier domestic-violence case. He is claiming self-defense.

The victim, Felipe Madrigal, 70, the president of the Rotary Club of Doral, said he was knocked out cold.

“This guy is an a--hole. I’ve been doing this for many, many years and I’ve never found somebody that came to perform aggression when I’m giving stuff to needy people,” Madrigal said.

Later in the day, Mikell showed up. “He came out in a rage or whatever,” said deacon Green, who had helped arrange the event with Doral Rotary. “I don’t know what was wrong with him. It makes no sense.”

Madrigal said Mikell began yelling at him, and was also angry because his car was on church property. Madrigal said he believed Mikell wanted “to take control” of the food.

Reached by phone, Mikell said he believed the food was a donation for the church’s own giveaway, which wasn’t until the following day. Tensions flared when he told the Rotary Club to put the food inside the church for storage for the next day, he said.


Rape Ape
04-24-2020, 04:39 PM
"I don't know what was wrong with him."

I do. He's a nigger.

04-24-2020, 06:29 PM
Lots of niggest of the nigs lately; avatar grade sub-simians. The niggers that are somewhat human-looking have up to 99% human DNA, BUT, a one percenter is still a nigger.

04-24-2020, 06:37 PM
it is merely realism.

Midder Peenud Hayed
04-24-2020, 11:17 PM
A), and I know this is redundant -- What an UGLY nigger!

B), what the hell is up with that nigger's eyes...? Truly creepy!

C), no nigger throws a classic Cat-5 like a nigger "passer".

Chimp Detester
04-25-2020, 12:18 AM

11167 11168

So very glad to see sub-cockroach mega-turd Rev. Burnice Mikell was properlly wrangled and caged. I am sure it will have an amazing time @ NU.

And kindly take a minute to read my definition of Rev, when ape-plied to niggers.

Rev = When applied to a human, Rev. is an abbreviation for Reverend, and refers to a religious leader who is worthy of honor. However, this is never the case when Rev. is placed in front of a despicable nigger's name, nor even the name of a nigger-coddling race-traitor. Take for example this sentence: "The Rev. Fartavious P. Crappington will be ooking Sunday morning at the First Church of the Nigger Jeebus , after which it will be MuhDick-ing all the sows in the choir and sodomizing the nigglettes in the nursery." In this case, Rev. is short for: "Revolting", as in: "Causing abhorrence or disgust; causing revulsion; nauseating, disgusting, or repulsive; highly offensive; arousing aversion."

Some commonly-known ape-propriate nigger examples are: Rev. Jerry-my-ass Wright, Rev. Messie Jax-scum, Rev. Skrewie Lewie Fairy-Koon, Rev. Al Shart-skunk and Rev. Marchin Lucifer Koon.