View Full Version : Orwellian 'social distancing' enforcement drones used by police in 22 states spy and send data back to China

Whitey Ford
04-19-2020, 11:48 PM
Not even Orwell could dream something like this up.
So, China "donates" drones to domestic law enforcement. These are to "enforce" so-called 'social distancing' to help contain a dangerous virus that they recklessly exposed the world to in the first place. And these drones are gathering data on our infrastructure and other things and sending it back to China. Clownworld, honk honk!

Watch this very disturbing news segment on it.


D.J.I., the popular drone maker, stands as a symbol of China’s growing technology prowess. Its propeller-powered machines dominate global markets and buzz regularly over beaches, cityscapes at sunset and increasingly, power plants and government installations.
Now D.J.I. is fighting a claim by one United States government office that its commercial drones and software may be sending sensitive information about American infrastructure back to China, in the latest clash over the power of data in the growing technological rivalry between the two countries. It also shows how consumer technology companies have become increasingly central to debates about national security.

It said officials had “moderate confidence” that the D.J.I.’s commercial drones and software are “providing U.S. critical infrastructure and law enforcement data to the Chinese government.” It cited what it called a reliable source, who it did not identify, in the drone industry “with first and secondhand access.”
