View Full Version : She boon 'projectile defecates' during arrest for shop lifting @ walmart & breaking coronavirus quarantine

Whitey Ford
04-18-2020, 04:27 AM
Projectile pooper pleads guilty for not staying home


One person has been convicted in Haywood for failing to follow the county’s stay-at-home directive.

Dominca Dearing, 41, of Beachwood Ohio, pleaded guilty to two counts of violating the order, which states that anyone coming in from out of town must quarantine for 14 days. She also pleaded guilty to two counts of larceny.

Dearing was arrested April 4 after shoplifting from Walmart for the second day in a row.

According to the Waynesville Police Department incident reports, on April 3, Dearing took “several items” out of the store without paying. While she wasn’t caught that day, officers were given a photo of her, and when she came back to the store the next day and shoplifted again, they were ready to make the arrest.

According to the incident report, Dearing had been apprehended by loss prevention workers within the store. In the arrest report, the loss prevention employee noted that “once in the loss prevention office, the female proceeded to defecate on the floor ‘because she could not hold it.’”

The report notes that when “Ms. Brown” learned she was being placed under arrest, she stood up and started “screaming in an unidentified language.”

“She then proceeded to pull the dress she was wearing up, exposing her body underneath and again started projectile defacating all over the office,” the report reads. “[The officer] backed up into the corner in the office to avoid the flying feces and called for backup. The female continued to hold her dress up and kept yelling and screaming at everyone around. After she put her dress down, she kept saying that she had the Coronavirus and wanted treatment.”

After putting Dearing in cuffs, she became combative and tried to pull away from officers before again defacating at the entrance of the Walmart.


04-18-2020, 09:37 AM
Projectile pooper pleads guilty for not staying home



Well primates are known for poo flinging. How is this any different?

04-18-2020, 11:27 AM
she stood up and started “screaming in an unidentified language.”

She must be one of those poor migrants, just looking for a better life and to escape persecution and strife in her homeland.

“She then proceeded to pull the dress she was wearing up, exposing her body underneath and again started projectile defacating all over the office,”

It's part of their culture, an instinctive defensive reaction. And what's the reason all these racists don't want imported niggers? I forget what their objections are. JFC.

Chimp Detester
04-18-2020, 02:27 PM
Are you sure that worthless filthy stinking sub-cockroach mega-turd sheboon sowrilla nigger beast was just defacating and not giving birth? How can you tell the difference? And even its face: Buck, or boon?



04-18-2020, 02:54 PM
:fling :fling Me fling poo