View Full Version : Nigger let out of jail for beer virus, kills next day.

Cat fur allergic
04-15-2020, 09:00 AM
Florida inmate freed over COVID-19 fears killed man the next day, police say


America loves niggers, always letting niggers go for any reason.

04-15-2020, 10:39 AM
They should hold the Governor that issued the order to release that feral stinking murder monkey for the murder and throw both their asses in the Gas Chamber together.

Amen. That's how I feel every time I read about judges and lawyers and parole boards bending over backward to let murderous niggers go free/get parole and then immediately go out and murder and rape the next day. They all need to be thrown into cells with the niggers they love so much.

animal mother
04-15-2020, 11:29 AM
More likely than not the “victim “ was just another nigger. Win-win, one nigger good another off to NU for life.

04-15-2020, 03:46 PM
More likely than not the “victim “ was just another nigger. Win-win, one nigger good another off to NU for life.

I thought the same thing. At first blush, you'd assume a human victim, but more than likely, it's another nigger. So it's a lucky break, but the opportunity to kill a human after release, that's the scary part.

04-15-2020, 04:44 PM
They should hold the Governor that issued the order to release that feral stinking murder monkey for the murder and throw both their asses in the Gas Chamber together.

Amen. That's how I feel every time I read about judges and lawyers and parole boards bending over backward to let murderous niggers go free/get parole and then immediately go out and murder and rape the next day. They all need to be thrown into cells with the niggers they love so much.

I've said for years that judges, prosecutors giving sweetheart deals, and parole board members letting niggers out early (if at all), need to be charged as accomplices the next time a nigger commits a crime. Which is, hold on, let me check my watch. Seconds hand.

Chimp Detester
04-15-2020, 06:24 PM

11117 11118

Glad to hear that vile beast has been recaged!

Rape Ape
04-15-2020, 06:28 PM
And they were expecting exactly, WHAT, from a nigger?