View Full Version : Hate crimes against Asians on NYC bus

04-05-2020, 04:18 PM
More hate crimes against Asians on NYC bus.
Who are the perps? Niggers. No whites were involved.


04-05-2020, 05:33 PM
I have an odd feeling that in the USA and Europe, even Chinese citizens of their respective nations have been social distancing from other Chinese folks.

But engaging in violence is stupid and silly, unless your goal is to get their bodily fluids on you so you can contract whatever diseases they may have.

Cat fur allergic
04-05-2020, 06:01 PM
niggers a disease that won't go away. In fact they think they own the world. Nigger loving liberals made them this way. Once the liberals are gone. Nobody will protect these savages.

04-05-2020, 06:35 PM
niggers a disease that won't go away. In fact they think they own the world. Nigger loving liberals made them this way. Once the liberals are gone. Nobody will protect these savages.

The next presidential election (in the USA) is going to rough when people point out the fact that liberal/democratic policies were noticeably responsible for exacerbated infection rates in liberal cities and states.

Humans that want to survive, and humans that want their children, and their children to survive, will most likely support the political party that makes the most effort to keep humans alive.

Besides, nobody is going to want niggers to vote if they are all crawling with COVID-19, unless the goal is to have them hang out around polling places with the intent to intimidate and frighten human voters. Early on, the DNC's militant arm was the KKK. Now the DNC's militant arm is the New Black Panthers. Democrats were never about doing what was right for the American people; all they cared about was having and maintaining power.


04-05-2020, 06:35 PM
Just to be on the safe side, I don't go to cities where there's a lot of Asian folk. I haven't been to Chinatown in L.A. maybe in over 10 years. Nothing racist, just a precaution in logic: virus originated in China, higher probability someone from there travelled to here, etc. Of course, only niggers are the ones simian enough to actually attack Asians. Most humans have the reasoning to deduce not all Asians you see on the street are actually from China. Asking any nigger to have reasoning is like putting your head in an alligator's mouth.

04-05-2020, 06:46 PM
Asking any nigger to have reasoning is like putting your head in an alligator's mouth.

I would say that it is more like trying to divide a number (including zero) by zero.

It's technically possible, but it's not worth the effort in most cases (since the results tend to only have insanely specific and esoteric uses).

04-05-2020, 08:24 PM
Niggers are a threat to all mankind

Whitey Ford
04-06-2020, 04:09 AM
Just to be on the safe side, I don't go to cities where there's a lot of Asian folk. I haven't been to Chinatown in L.A. maybe in over 10 years. Nothing racist, just a precaution in logic: virus originated in China, higher probability someone from there travelled to here, etc. Of course, only niggers are the ones simian enough to actually attack Asians. Most humans have the reasoning to deduce not all Asians you see on the street are actually from China. Asking any nigger to have reasoning is like putting your head in an alligator's mouth.

I wouldn't call it racist to be afraid of an area that produces the vast bulk of the world's flu viruses. I have lots of Asian friends, but China scares the hell out of me with their propensity to churn out scary viruses. Let's face it, air travel has allowed the quick and mass spreading of scary viruses to become a reality.

NY's Coronavirus Epicenter Includes A Recently Planted Chinatown
Nothing against Asians, but maybe they and we too should start screening before allowing global travel. That way we don't have to fear a global pandemic that we all could avoid.

04-06-2020, 06:09 AM
Perhaps what we may need to consider in the future is the utilization of remote controlled robot avatars, like in the movie Surrogates. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogates

04-06-2020, 07:50 AM
Perhaps what we may need to consider in the future is the utilization of remote controlled robot avatars, like in the movie Surrogates. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogates


They would just end up being made in China. They would all be just walking around, carrying vials and trojan horses, both containing the scariest viruses know to man. They would just wait until Trump pisses them off enough and use them on us after Xi Jinkingkongpingpongdingdong decides to click on his "unreesh herill" app.