View Full Version : Malta does the smart thing, quarantines 1000 nigger "migrants"

04-05-2020, 03:35 PM
They should have done it already, but better late than never. The problem is that they're wasting resources on giving "medical care." Lock up the niggers inside barbed wire and let nature take its course. To make sure diseases can't spread through the air, dig a trench a few feet deep and 10 feet wide, and keep it lit with something flammable.

Health Minister Chris Fearne told reporters that eight cases had been confirmed in two days and a risk assessment showed the possibility that the disease had spread to a number of other migrants since people in the camp lived in close proximity.

"This is not racial discrimination. Quarantine orders are issued to anyone who tests positive and the people around them," Fearne said. "Quarantine is one of the most important tools the country has to contain coronavirus."

He said the eight confirmed cases had been placed in isolation. All other migrants in the camp will have to observe quarantine for 14 days.

He said arrangements had been made for medical care to be provided at the site. Army trucks have circled the camp and police have been deployed at and around the area.


04-05-2020, 05:37 PM
This sounds like racism, discrimination, and hate speech to me.

If this were happening in the USA, and Barack Obama were the president, American citizens would be forced to accept the niggers into their lands regardless of how diseased they were.

We should do everything we can to expose cases of racism, and do what we can to eliminate it, even if it means the destruction of the country in question. Because suicide and genocide is acceptable in the fight against racism and fascism.

Only by engaging in acts of self-destruction and miscegenation can we prove that are not racist. (That was sarcasm. ;))

04-05-2020, 05:56 PM
"This is not racial discrimination. Quarantine orders are issued to anyone who tests positive and the people around them," Fearne said.

In the world in which we live, where the wailing of Tumblr and Reddit looney tunes prevail, "racial discrimination" is a worse crime than spreading disease, or murder or rape.

04-05-2020, 06:22 PM
In the world in which we live, where the wailing of Tumblr and Reddit looney tunes prevail, "racial discrimination" is a worse crime than spreading disease, or murder or rape.

I have a feeling that "spreading disease" will be perceived as a worse crime soon.

It would be nice if there was a national disease database in the USA that could be used by certain services like Lyft, Uber Eets, or Tinder... In accordance with HIPAA rules, the apps wouldn't tell anyone what the diseases were, but if they presented a health risk to the other person, a warning would pop up. I mean, would any sane person want to interact in a professional or personal way with someone that was pretty much a leper?

It would also be nice if Google Maps had a feature that warned you if you were planning on heading towards a location with a high COVID-19 density. (I don't think most people would do this intentionally...)

Midder Peenud Hayed
04-06-2020, 05:48 PM
Actually, the "smart thing" would be to sedate the niggers, pack them in crates, load them on a garbage scow, and let them wake up in Tanzania where they belong.

04-08-2020, 12:17 PM
Actually, the "smart thing" would be to sedate the niggers, pack them in crates, load them on a garbage scow, and let them wake up in Tanzania where they belong.

BEST solution yet!!