View Full Version : FAKE NEWS : Mainstream Media’s “Sessions Resigning” Story DEBUNKED

06-09-2017, 09:01 AM
The mainstream media loves to run stories about the so-called “troubled*White House,” or “White House in TURMOIL.” They site more of their anonymous sources and trash President Trump, painting his White House like a chaotic mess. Remember the nonstop stories that Steve Bannon was on his way out, amidst a massive and dramatic internal feud? Bannon is still there. Next up was the “Sessions resigning” story, where once again anonymous sources claim there’s a YUGE rift between President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. According to numerous mainstream media outlets, President Trump had (suddenly) lost confidence in Jeff Sessions. More

More... (http://truthfeed.com/fake-news-mainstream-medias-sessions-resigning-story-debunked/80049/)