View Full Version : Violent, savage sandniggers attack far right Danish politician outside mosque

Whitey Ford
03-23-2020, 12:28 PM

Anti-migrant party leader Paludan has been repeatedly exposed to personal attacks and attempted violence and was placed under police surveillance following estimates of ‘mortal danger’ by the Danish Security and Intelligence Service.

Rasmus Paludan, the founder of the ethno-nationalist Hard Line party, has been attacked outside at mosque in Copenhagen.

In a video Paludan himself posted on YouTube, a man emerges from a car to charge straight at Paludan and attack him. The Asian male demands ‘What are you doing here?’ and lands several blows to Paludan’s head, but is quickly subdued by men dressed in civilian clothes who describe themselves as the police.

After a violent skirmish that involves pepper spray, the attacker is incapacitated and put in handcuffs.

03-23-2020, 01:14 PM
European nations should not allow niggers and sandniggers in. Peaceful immigrants, fine, that's up to them. I heard there's a place in Sweden where there's a lot of Thai immigrants and it's civilized. Muslims can never be part of any modern society.

Nice to see a muzzie beating. Next time more batons. If Indian police handled it, they'd have no qualms using a long hardwood cane.