View Full Version : Melbourne: Nigger Chimps Out and Rams Stolen 4X4 into Police Station, Headbuts Officer.

Aussie Chimper
02-21-2020, 05:42 PM
The jaboonery happening here just never ceases to surprise me!


Video of police wrangling the nigger with one officer being headbutted by the savage beast.


Our police are in dire need of some "shampoo" training.

Aussie Chimper
02-21-2020, 06:05 PM
Segregation 2.0 in reality is "White Flight." It's the only viable option humans have. It's already beginning to happen here in Melbourne.

02-21-2020, 10:25 PM
Those Apefreaken rapefugees are working out so well, right? :gorilla

Sheboon DeLuxe
02-24-2020, 10:56 AM
Segregation 2.0 in reality is "White Flight." It's the only viable option humans have.

Even that doesn't work, because stupid white liberals will agitate to bring some niggers with them wherever they go, or import a bunch straight from da mudderland, and everyone is so terrified of accusations of racism that they go along with it, against their better judgement.

Aussie Chimper
02-25-2020, 03:04 AM
Even that doesn't work, because stupid white liberals will agitate to bring some niggers with them wherever they go, or import a bunch straight from da mudderland, and everyone is so terrified of accusations of racism that they go along with it, against their better judgement.

So true, even here. The few "White Flighters" I know, wouldn't be seen dead to be considered as racists. To them it's the ultimate sin or totally unacceptably uncool.

02-26-2020, 12:31 PM
Even if you live in a decent, low crime neighborhood, it's just a matter of time. Somewhere in your city, niggers are given Section 8 housing. It doesn't matter you worked hard to live in a nice location. Inevitably niggers will be in your periphery and fuck everything up. I say this because I've been noticing their ugly dark presence at Target, the mall, near schools, everywhere. Used to be just a small percentage. Now a visible foul presence. My neighbor just moved to Idaho to escape the niggerization.