View Full Version : BREAKING : North Korea Strikes Again, Fires Multiple Ballistic Missiles

06-07-2017, 10:02 PM
While America wastes time due to a left wing orchestrated “Witch Hunt” against our President, North Korea is causing mischief again. The sooner the Comey nonsense ends, the sooner we can focus on global issues that truly matter. From Zerohedge The day before “Berserker Thursday” with its UK elections, Comey testimony and the ECB decision, was supposed to be quiet. Instead we had the first domestic Iran terrorism in decades, Iran vowing revenge on Saudi Arabia, rising Qatar crisis tensions, South Korea telling the US it can go to hell, Syria threatening to strike US forces, the biggest crude crash

More... (http://truthfeed.com/breaking-north-korea-strikes-again-fires-multiple-ballistic-missiles/79686/)