View Full Version : Israeli immigration officials concerned Supreme Court ruling could open Israel up to mass immigration of nigger 'refugees'

Whitey Ford
02-11-2020, 01:59 AM
Court ruling could lead to mass entry of refugees, officials say

Niggers are never happy in their native niggerlands. So they seek to invade White countries so they can ride the gibs muh dat gravy train. And then complain that they are still not happy due to racisms.

A new Supreme Court ruling could open Israel to mass immigration by migrants claiming refugee status, say Israeli immigration officials.

According to a report Monday by Galei Tzahal, officials in the Interior Ministry’s Administration of Border Crossings, Population and Immigration have expressed concern over a Supreme Court ruling handed down Sunday, which some fear could set a major precedent, potentially forcing Israel to recognize thousands of illegal immigrants as refugees – and possibly enable future migrants claiming refugee status to enter the country.

In its ruling Sunday, the Supreme Court ordered the State to grant refugee status to a couple and their two daughters, citing fears that relatives of the family could try to force the couple to perform female circumcision on their daughters.


Odin's balls
02-11-2020, 04:40 AM
The Isaelis will not stand for this.

Remember a few years back, a bunch of sub-Saharan savages rocked up in the holy land claiming to be Jews.

The Israelis were pressured to let the illegals stay until their own country had sorted itself out....and then promptly sterlised them to ensure no anchor babies could get the niggers a foothold on Israeli turf.

Smart move Israel.

02-11-2020, 03:02 PM
They're NOT refugees, they're "Invaders" period!!! and should be treated as such.