View Full Version : Sow gives muh poosie answer on Wheel of Fortune

01-31-2020, 12:03 PM
Leave it to niggers to ruin a family-friendly show. It couldn't have been easily edited out, and I guess not in their rules to cancel the round and do over.

Think of the little kids asking, "Mom, dad, what's chasing tail, you mean like our dog does?" "Uh, yeah, that's right, that nigger's just being stupid like niggers always are."

During the bonus round on Wheel of Fortune, Wednesday, contestant Marie Leo's hilarious wrong answer made her an internet sensation.

After winning $13,950 in the regulation time, Marie earned a trip to the bonus round. She selected the puzzle topic, "What are you doing?" Well, it turns out the Marie likes to do a lot of things.

The puzzle was made up of a 7-letter word and a 4-letter word, with the top word likely ending in "-ing," and the second letter in the second word being an "A." While the puzzle was almost impossible to guess, Marie tried her best and answered "Chasing Tail."

She immediately knew the answer was wrong and started nervously giggling, meanwhile the audience was full on laughing. For a moment she left host Pat Sajak speechless, as he pantomimed zipping his mouth shut, locking it, and throwing away the key.

The correct answer was "Kicking Back." Her incorrect cost her $45,000 but made her a "hero" in the eyes viewers, who took to Twitter to celebrate her incorrect response.

Considering Marie is a 911 operator, she is no stranger to being called a hero.

Since when is sitting in a chair any kind of "hero" job, even if a nigger did do it right instead of the typical brushing people off?

Then some dumbass tweeted:
The girl on wheel of fortune tonight...her introduction was about how she loved eating at buffets and her guess on a puzzle was “chasing tail”...answer was really “kicking back”. I want to be friends with her


No comments open, huh.

01-31-2020, 03:45 PM
"Chasing tail." *sigh*

Considering Marie is a 911 operator, she is no stranger to being called a hero.
This is what is answering emergency calls.

made her a "hero" in the eyes viewers,
Being an idiot sow with muh dik on the brain is now considered heroic. This planet is finished.

Her incorrect cost her $45,000

That's the only thing worth celebrating.

Whitey Ford
01-31-2020, 06:49 PM

01-31-2020, 11:24 PM

02-01-2020, 12:20 AM

Perfect edit! :lol

02-01-2020, 12:45 PM
Niggers, always muh dikk & muh poosie. How disgusting and no filters to act like that on national TV. And they wonder why they are not seen as equals.