View Full Version : Troublemaking nigger told to move to front of the class, refuses, cops are called, now all the niggers are "protesting"

01-29-2020, 03:59 PM
What a tragedy that the professor was forced to apologize, and it's only a question of what kind of nigger lotto the nigger will pursue. Is it money, or like the Rodney King of education, it'll get into all the trouble it wants but can never be touched? But on the bright side, niggers walking out of class can only be a good thing. They should always walk out, every day.

What the niggerloving media won't cover is what led up to this. The nigger was at least talking loudly and making a disturbance, probably insulting the professor ("So you sez YT!"), maybe even watching porn right there. So the professor tells it to shut up and leave, it won't, the professor offers a compromise of sitting in the front, it refuses, at which point it became legitimate trespassing. The professor was absolutely justified in calling the cops.

Student demonstrators at Ball State University in Indiana held a walkout on Tuesday to peacefully protest a professor who last week called police after a black student refused to change seats during class.

The Jan. 21 confrontation between marketing professor Shaheen Borna and senior business administration major Sultan Benson was caught on video and posted online.

Benson, who is black, said he refused Borna's request to move from his seat in the back of the classroom to an open seat in the front row. Video shows two campus officers entering the room and questioning Benson before removing him from class.


Ball State's president was among those attending the walkout, he has previously said the school's dean met with the professor, and that he will be monitored moving forward.

But Benson says that's not enough.

"You're gonna call the police while I'm paying attention to what you're up here teaching? You gonna call the police out here arresting these student trying to learn? Not only was I put at risk —because we all know how situations with the police go with young African American men, correct? Not only was I at risk, the rest of my class was at risk."

Student groups are demanding that the tenured professor retire and go through sensitivity training. They also want more conflict training for all faculty members, and they are also calling for a new student-led committee to advocate for issues important to the student body.


01-29-2020, 11:13 PM
This is what happens when you try to educate the negro.

First off, the nigger will have an IQ of 75. Maybe. That's practically retard level.

Second, you are treating the nigger as if it is human. Niggers are not human.

Third, it's a fucking nigger. It doesn't belong in a first world country. Niggers can't build a civilization, nor can they maintain a civilization. Niggers are too fucking retarded, in the cognitively deficient sense, and in every other sense.

01-30-2020, 10:48 AM
Maybe they expect to be sent to the back of the classroom.

01-30-2020, 11:17 PM
Maybe they expect to be sent to the back of the classroom.

Michelle Obama didn't refuse to give up his seat on the bus so honky tonk white muhfuggas could sit in the front of the classroom.

01-30-2020, 11:42 PM
Niggers should have a separate class schedule from humans.

Basketball dynamics.
How to build a prison shank.
Free period - Get yo drank an fuck awn.
How to get rid of the rash you got from that tranny during free period.
101 excuses to give the popo when he pulls you over and smells weed.
What is a paternity test and what does it mean to me.
How to be a successful pimp.

01-30-2020, 11:50 PM
Niggers should have a separate class schedule from humans.

Basketball dynamics.
How to build a prison shank.
Free period - Get yo drank an fuck awn.
How to get rid of the rash you got from that tranny during free period.
101 excuses to give the popo when he pulls you over and smells weed.
What is a paternity test and what does it mean to me.
How to be a successful pimp.

Here are some classes niggers SHOULD be taking:

How to Take a Shower
Soap: Use It
Planned Parenthood and The Benefits They Provide
How to Speak Without Sounding Retarded
Jenkem Brewing 101
How to Flush a Toilet
Diapers Are Not Just For Babies

01-30-2020, 11:52 PM
Niggers learn jenkem brewing at home.

01-31-2020, 12:14 AM
Michelle Obama didn't refuse to give up his seat on the bus so honky tonk white muhfuggas could sit in the front of the classroom.

Well, Michael was the the first man. He gets his own bus.