View Full Version : Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Niggers...er, umm I mean Lakers

Whitey Ford
01-26-2020, 09:43 PM

01-27-2020, 10:57 AM
Even the niggerlovers know what they really are.


The social barriers are falling, and I suspect that we will soon be approaching another Jim Crow era.

But this time, instead of giving it a racist name like Jim Crow, maybe we should refer to the new laws as Zip Coon Laws. Especially since Zip Coon literally ridicules and mocks the concept of the magic nigger, and magic niggers were VERY popular during the last couple of decades.


01-27-2020, 01:12 PM
Say what you really think, blondie. I can't stop laughing. She even took a pause. I bet she'll be fired.

Whitey Ford
01-27-2020, 08:13 PM
They are already trying to get this woman fired from her job.

Get Alison Morris Fired !!! (https://www.change.org/p/alison-morris-reporter-get-alison-morris-fired)

She denies she said nigger, though.

“Earlier today, while reporting on the tragic news of Kobe Bryant’s passing, I unfortunately stuttered on air, combining the names of the Knicks and the Lakers to say ‘Nakers,'” Morris wrote on Twitter soon after the incident. “Please know I did not & would NEVER use a racist term. I apologize for the confusion this caused.”

During her segment, Morris said, “He was just the kind of athlete that was perfectly cast on the Los Angeles Nakers.” She then quickly corrected herself and said “Los Angeles Lakers.”


Chimp Detester
01-27-2020, 08:28 PM
I am somewhat koonfused, my dear fellow nigger-detesting friends. On Wikipedia's Kobi Bryant story (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_Bryant), they write:

The wedding was not attended by Bryant's parents, his two sisters, his longtime advisor and agent Arn Tellem, or his Laker teammates. Bryant's parents were opposed to the marriage for a number of reasons. Reportedly Bryant's parents had problems with him marrying so young, especially to a woman who was not African-American.

And yet some of her pictures put her all over the map. In some she looks Asian, in a few whitey, in others Hispanic, in others 100% nigger. So is she a sheboon sow, or an oil-driller? (despicable either way) See her pictures here:


01-27-2020, 09:07 PM
Hey Chimp Detester, what you said makes me remember that yes, his folks didn't want him marrying that coalburner. I believe she is a Hispanic/Mexican, but now, as we all know, having produced 4 abominations, she is just a regular nigger.

His folks probably wanted him to muh-dikk as many white women first. I'm sure they won't object to a white burner as he was becoming a Tiger Woods kind of star. The "rape victim", as I recall, was a blond who wanted BBC, and I'm sure she got paid millions to not testify in the criminal charge.

I think all his children are fucking ugly. This is what I detest nowadays, children of niggers thinking, by virtue of money, that they are now "hot", "talented", "worthy of success". Just like Jay-Z ape looking sprogs. Niggers don't deserve anything. They're getting rich with all the crap music and sports. There should be a law making them slaves again.

Whitey Ford
01-28-2020, 01:18 AM
I think all his children are fucking ugly. This is what I detest nowadays, children of niggers thinking, by virtue of money, that they are now "hot", "talented", "worthy of success". Just like Jay-Z ape looking sprogs.

Ever see Magic Johnson's son EJ?

01-28-2020, 02:37 AM
Ever see Magic Johnson's son EJ?

What the fug is dat!
Whatever it is....it's beautiful!

01-28-2020, 02:42 AM
What the fug is dat!
Whatever it is....it's beautiful!


01-28-2020, 11:25 AM

Ahh! I see. I didn't before.