View Full Version : London police to deploy facial recognition cameras across the city

Whitey Ford
01-25-2020, 09:56 PM
Live facial recognition cameras will be deployed across London, with the city’s Metropolitan Police announcing today that the technology has moved past the trial stage and is ready to be permanently integrated into everyday policing.

The cameras will be placed in locations popular with shoppers and tourists, like Stratford’s Westfield shopping center and the West End, reports BBC News. Each camera will scan for faces contained in “bespoke” watch lists, which the Met says will predominantly contain individuals “wanted for serious and violent offences.”

When the camera flags an individual, police officers will approach and ask them to verify their identity. If they’re on the watch list, they’ll be arrested. “This is a system which simply gives police officers a ‘prompt’, suggesting ‘that person over there may be the person you’re looking for,’” said the Metropolitan police in a press release.

“As a modern police force, I believe that we have a duty to use new technologies to keep people safe in London,” said the Met’s assistant commissioner Nick Ephgrave said in a press statement.

If you want to keep people safe in London just deport the niggers and sandmonkeys already, dumbass.


01-26-2020, 12:20 AM
I can see nigger lotto cases surging as these cameras mistake one nigger for another.

Whitey Ford
01-26-2020, 02:31 PM
I can see nigger lotto cases surging as these cameras mistake one nigger for another.

Exactly what I was thinking.
We should start a hedge fund and start short selling stock against the camera companies. And any other companies who employ or are targeted by nigger lawsuits. We could get rich. LOL

01-26-2020, 03:17 PM
I do not think niggers all look alike.

However, I do think all niggers are the same thing, and it is impossible to find distinguishing characteristics among the things. They don't look alike, but they are all the same object.

A nigger can never be human, ergo a nigger will always be a nigger, and niggers are just things. Also, all niggers are always guilty of committing a crime; you just haven't figured out which crime they have committed yet.

01-26-2020, 11:10 PM
I do not think niggers all look alike.

However, I do think all niggers are the same thing, and it is impossible to find distinguishing characteristics among the things. They don't look alike, but they are all the same object.

A nigger can never be human, ergo a nigger will always be a nigger, and niggers are just things. Also, all niggers are always guilty of committing a crime; you just haven't figured out which crime they have committed yet.

I divide niggers into 2 categories. Peanut headed niggers and gorilla headed niggers. Kobe Bryant was a peanut headed nigger and Mike Tyson is a Gorilla headed nigger!! And they all SUCK!!

Odin's balls
01-27-2020, 03:46 PM
This is going to be entertaining.

The police are only going to deploy them in certain areas, when looking for specific targets. All of the areas they are targetting are absolutely infested with niggers and goat rapists.

01-28-2020, 02:39 AM
Here you go.



01-28-2020, 04:15 AM
I divide niggers into 2 categories. Peanut headed niggers and gorilla headed niggers. Kobe Bryant was a peanut headed nigger and Mike Tyson is a Gorilla headed nigger!! And they all SUCK!!

How about the Whoppers headed kind?

01-28-2020, 09:09 AM
How about the Whoppers headed kind?

Could you show me a pic of the whoppers headed kind? I may have to classify a new species of Homo Erecti!!

02-24-2020, 08:16 AM
As a practical matter, I am against widespread use of facial recognition technology in the public space. I consider it an invasion of my privacy, and Big Brother in nature. My activities and movements are no one's business except my own. Using niggers and asslifters as the reason for it's implementation makes it even more ridiculous. Niggers and asslifters are an EASY problem to solve, and does not require billions in tax dollars be spent on cameras.

02-24-2020, 10:40 AM
This is going to be entertaining.

The police are only going to deploy them in certain areas, when looking for specific targets. All of the areas they are targetting are absolutely infested with niggers and goat rapists.

The ostensible reasons these things happen never turn out to be the way they are used. This is doubly true right out of the gate on this one due to the fact that all niggers look the same. I don't just say that as an insult - the numbers are the numbers. Computers, no matter how they are programmed, and for what ever the reason, simply cannot differentiate between the garden variety niggers on the street any better than humans can. At this point, they are simply a waste of time and tax dollar$ when it comes to catching niggers. If it were a simple matter of stopping or solving crimes, the money wouldn't be wasted on cameras as most crimes are committed by niggers. It would be simpler to deploy the police in greater numbers to high crime areas. The fact that they are not tells me the obvious. This isn't about solving or stopping crime. This is about control of law abiding citizens more than anything else. This system is ripe for abuse and will, without a single doubt, be used for purposes that are flat out unconstitutional and privacy invading. Think about the policy makers and leaders who will compromise their decisions based on pics of them parked in front of the no-tell motel. Just ask JFK's ghost how many American military service members died as a direct result of pillow talk between him and his East German mistress and you'll begin to understand what I'm talking about. That's why we have security clearances.

I am not a law breaker by any stretch and I don't cheat on my wife. I have nothing to hide here. What I do have is an oath without an expiration date to support and defend the Constitution. Being watched at every turn by the government is not my idea of freedom and goes against everything I'm swore to protect. This is unwarranted search - plain and simple. At least when you get your car or house tossed, you know it. Cameras don't alert you to the fact that you have just been searched without a warrant and you may be held accountable years after you innocently, coincidentally and circumstantially were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I wouldn't want to have to explain any of these worst case scenarios to my wife or the courts.

Odin's balls
02-24-2020, 02:22 PM
We are already the most watched nation on the planet. There are CCTV cameras everywhere. You can't drive through London without ANPR cameras picking your plates up at least a dozen times.

The cameras are only allowed to target certain individuals (niggers and terrorists) in the areas they are known to frequent. Any other face picked up has to be pixelated and discarded at the end of the operation.

That said, the police have to put a warning notice outside the van to warn niggers and terrorists that they are using facial recognition cameras. :lol

Welcome to leftard UK.

02-24-2020, 05:56 PM
^^^Cameras are destroying good police work here. The first thing the cops do when investigating a home invasion / robbery, etc. is to look up to surrounding neighbor's properties for security cameras, knock on doors and demand video. It's lazy even if it works and it does nothing to put the blame where it should be 90 percent of the time - niggers. Too often, when the videos get them nowhere, the cops throw their hands up and say they can't find a suspect. I know more often than not, cops won't even dust for prints for simple thefts. Those ignored prints will, most certainly exist at crime scenes in the future where more serious offences will occur - offences which could have been prevented had the criminigger been dealt with the first time. This is due to the simple fact that with each criminal act, the perpetrator is emboldened to commit more dangerous and more violent crimes than the last. It is like a drug to them and they need to get a bigger fix each time until they ultimately overdose.