View Full Version : What nigger makes you cringe on sight?

Whitey Ford
01-10-2020, 09:01 PM
This nigger was popular around the time I was born, but they still find ways to shove him up my ass at least two times a year. His music is fucking awful, his one hit so stupid I could write something better in 5 minutes or less. This creature looks like some un-Godly mixture of werewolf and nigger. :pepenig


01-10-2020, 09:44 PM
This nigger was popular around the time I was born, but they still find ways to shove him up my ass at least two times a year. His music is fucking awful, his one hit so stupid I could write something better in 5 minutes or less. This creature looks like some un-Godly mixture of werewolf and nigger. :pepenig



01-11-2020, 11:36 PM
On sight would be some of the ugly looking niggers, like Eddie Murphy and Nipsey Hussle. Thankfully one of those two got deleted so I don't have to look.

01-12-2020, 01:18 AM
All of them.

In all seriousness, the sight of a nigger fills me with a sense of dread, and I have to fight my instinctive desires to flee the environment that contains the nigger.

Well, not always. Only when I need to pretend to be a nigger lover so I can keep my job.

A few of my coworkers know what is up, and occasionally we have competitions to see who can pretend to be the biggest liberal without causing actual niggerloving liberals to figure out what we are doing.

It's fucking weird that I live in a society where I have to pretend to be a liberal in order to prevent actual liberals from destroying my life. I wonder if this is how non-fascists felt when living in fascist societies.

01-12-2020, 08:04 PM
All of them.

In all seriousness, the sight of a nigger fills me with a sense of dread, and I have to fight my instinctive desires to flee the environment that contains the nigger.

Well, not always. Only when I need to pretend to be a nigger lover so I can keep my job.

A few of my coworkers know what is up, and occasionally we have competitions to see who can pretend to be the biggest liberal without causing actual niggerloving liberals to figure out what we are doing.

It's fucking weird that I live in a society where I have to pretend to be a liberal in order to prevent actual liberals from destroying my life. I wonder if this is how non-fascists felt when living in fascist societies.Probably not as much.

At least when they got home at the end of the day, they could think freely.

We are constantly connected in the world, the left are constantly seeking out "wrong thinkers"

I think a more appropriate comparison would be the Stazi or any other communist secret police that encourages neighbours, friends, co workers and even family to inform on one another and totally ruin lives

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01-13-2020, 12:44 AM
This nigger was popular around the time I was born, but they still find ways to shove him up my ass at least two times a year. His music is fucking awful, his one hit so stupid I could write something better in 5 minutes or less. This creature looks like some un-Godly mixture of werewolf and nigger. :pepenig


Another one is "maxipad" waters.

01-13-2020, 03:21 AM
Michael Lavaugn Robinson pre or postop is one cringy hesheeboon. It's scowl is the worst and it looks like a rabid gorilla when it does. Everytime I see it, I think it is going to leap thru the screen and try to rip my face off and eat it followed by my junk and hands.

01-13-2020, 05:21 PM
Michael Lavaugn Robinson pre or postop is one cringy hesheeboon. It's scowl is the worst and it looks like a rabid gorilla when it does. Everytime I see it, I think it is going to leap thru the screen and try to rip my face off and eat it followed by my junk and hands.


01-13-2020, 05:36 PM
Whenever I see any nigger, 1 to 100%, I cringe, and the first thing that I think of is "what an ugly, foul, beastly species". They all make me sick.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-18-2020, 07:50 PM
Michael Lavaugn Robinson pre or postop is one cringy hesheeboon. It's scowl is the worst and it looks like a rabid gorilla when it does. Everytime I see it, I think it is going to leap thru the screen and try to rip my face off and eat it followed by my junk and hands.

Sheeeeeit! You beat me to it!

Nothing makes me more instantly nauseous than that giant scowling mansquatch.

Extra points for using its birth name, BTW...

01-19-2020, 05:09 PM
Steve Harvey makes me turn off the tube. I detest that fat black bastard and scare the shit out of my dogs yelling at the TV.

Odin's balls
01-24-2020, 03:54 PM

01-24-2020, 08:07 PM
Steve Harvey makes me turn off the tube. I detest that fat black bastard and scare the shit out of my dogs yelling at the TV.

Oh, me too! Can't stand that dumbass nigger. Looking at any nigger makes me cringe, but for pure hatred and if I can only name one, Sambo L. Jackscoon - no-talent, fugly, uppity nigger - would be it.


01-25-2020, 01:02 PM
Anytime I see a 500 pound Sowpotamus on one of those mobility scooters, it sends me into a fit of rage. Watching them load up that little basket with junk food and soda, knowing they are going to use their "Foo Scramps" to pay for it.