View Full Version : She woke up New Year's Day, panties around her ankles, her cell phone & purse gone

Whitey Ford
01-04-2020, 08:45 PM

Melody Maxwell, 19, was celebrating with friends at a pub in Northampton on December 31 2018 when she blacked out.


I was drinking vodka and coke while singing along to Mariah Carey's All I want for Christmas is you.

Broadcasting a nigger mating call, while intoxicated no less!

'Suddenly it was the midnight countdown. My friends passed around a bottle of prosecco and I took a swig of it. That's the last thing I remember.'

At around 5am Miss Maxwell woke up in her mother's car with a blanket around her shoulders and her underwear around her ankles. Her purse, bag and phone had disappeared.

Last thing she 'remembers!'

'A week later, police discovered CCTV footage of me leaving the pub with an unknown man.

'He'd led me to a grassy area behind the pub and then returned alone an hour later.'

This could've ended a lot, lot worse. And if it did, she'd deserve it.

n June 2019, Obi Forgive, 28, of London, appeared at Northampton Crown Court and denied raping Melody.

Investigators told the court that Forgive had searched for women who were drunk and that Melody had likely undergone a 50-minute attack.

Forgive had tried to conceal evidence of his actions by changing his clothes before returning to nearby clubs, hunting for more victims.


01-04-2020, 09:18 PM
Sounds like 2020 is already looking to be her most diverse and inclusive ever! Aren't niggers just wonderful and just like us?

01-04-2020, 10:50 PM
They have nice clean photos of her but no photos of the nigger. You can bet if it had been a disgusting driller and a sow, not only would they have the photo but it would be a hate crime as well.

EDIT : https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/01/brave-student-raped-new-year-party-shares-story-show-can-move-11987740/

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-04-2020, 11:10 PM
"She woke up New Year's Day with her panties around her ankles, her cell phone & purse gone..."

I can't tell you how many times that's happened to me, goddamnit!

01-05-2020, 04:22 AM
^^^ Hey... It happens to the best of us. - but they weren't my panties. Also, I'm a guy so I don't wear panties. I have no explanation for the bra. The last thing I remember was the wife yelling something about "Crisco Twister."

Damn you Monte Alban!

01-05-2020, 04:35 AM
Obi Forgive? Another fucked up nigger name. Related to Obi-wan? Obongo?

Buck Simian
01-05-2020, 07:24 AM
'Suddenly it was the midnight countdown. My friends passed around a bottle of prosecco and I took a swig of it. That's the last thing I remember

So why didn't her friends do anything? Some friends they are. She blacks out in a bar while drinking and they let this nigger take her off somewhere?