View Full Version : She boon in hot water after niglet with no shirt or shoes found wandering the streets in the middle of the night

Whitey Ford
12-26-2019, 12:40 PM

12-26-2019, 01:08 PM
So 3 years after 2 made good, one more is in nigger U. AWESOME!

Rape Ape
12-26-2019, 01:48 PM
What an amusing headline. Usually it's the niglet in the hot water. :lmao


Master Sergeant
12-26-2019, 03:33 PM
The she boon sow probably hasn't see any hot water in a while either.

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-27-2019, 12:02 AM
This nigger sow is 31 and has a 13 y/o sow niglet...? And then, not content to mend its ways, it continued to Muh Poosie! its way to TWO more utterly useless niglets in the next 11 years? Where are the fathers -- at N.U.? How much does this groidal of niggers cost the taxpayers of Palm Beach County, the State of Florida, and the Federal gubmint?

Buck Simian
12-28-2019, 01:58 PM
The niglet was found wandering the streets with no shoes or shirt on? It obviously had just committed a rape somewhere.