View Full Version : Niggers bash 13 year old Trump supporter.

Aussie Chimper
12-26-2019, 07:54 AM
Someone I follow, retweeted this.


12-26-2019, 09:26 AM
Why do niggers do things like this?!

I see people supporting things I don't support all the time, but I never think about using violence against them. That's wrong.

Unlike those antifa groups, I don't believe in using fascist methodologies to suppress viewpoints I find unpleasant. I prefer to have nice, peaceful, rational discussions with the people involved, whenever possible, and if they choose to not see things my way, well... I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

That being said, self-defense is sometimes the only appropriate response when being attacked.

12-26-2019, 09:28 AM
^^^THAT! Right there! That is how Chimpers like us are made. Normal, innocent human beings going about their everyday lives minding their own business when attacked suddenly and without provocation by feral apes.

I predict he and his family will be joining our ranks soon.

12-26-2019, 01:06 PM
Can you imagine the headlines if it was a niglet beat up for wearing an Obama hat?