View Full Version : Nigger 'Church of Bling' accused of sexually abusing multiple underage girls

Whitey Ford
12-23-2019, 01:38 AM
Members of controversial 'Church of Bling' face claims of child rape and sexual abuse of teenage girls

Bix Nood Hallelujah!
Alleged incidents said to have happened in 'trap houses' run by the church

Trap houses = nigger dens of depravity.

Members of a controversial church accused of exploiting young people are now facing claims of child rape and the sexual abuse of teenage girls.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that police are examining a dossier of a dozen allegations compiled by Labour MP Steve Reed, who has been contacted by alleged victims of SPAC Nation preachers.

'There is one allegation of potential rape against an underage girl,' Mr Reed said. 'There are also allegations that SPAC Nation pastors are regularly sleeping with girls who, in some cases, are under 16.'

The MP for Croydon North added that the alleged incidents are said to have happened in some of the 15 so-called 'trap houses' – safe houses for former gang members – run by the church across London.

Pastors are also facing claims from dozens of ex-worshippers who allege they were forced to take out bank loans and hand over thousands of pounds to fund the church's lavish spending.

Mr Reed said: 'I've had a woman, who was 16 at the time, telling me it was common in a trap house for older pastors to sleep with women. In her words, 'Everyone was having sex with everyone else.' It is not what you would associate with a church.'

SPAC Nation is run by Nigerian pastor Tobi Adegboyega, 39, who came to Britain in 2005 and until recently lived in a £2.5 million house in Surrey. There is no suggestion Mr Adegboyega, who attended this year's Tory Party conference, has been involved in, or is aware of, any wrongdoing.

The church welcomes about 1,000 worshippers to services in hotel conference suites, where pastors perform 'drill' rap music and preach a 'prosperity gospel' that states God rewards people with material wealth. It has previously denied allegations of fraud and did not respond to a request for comment about the new allegations.

Nigerian nigger 'Pastor' + drill music + trap houses + prosperity 'Gospel'. Sounds like a big nigger scam to me.

12-26-2019, 07:25 AM
The Bible does encourage us to spread the good news, but giving it to niggers is a waste, the fuck it up every time.

12-26-2019, 09:37 AM
Niggers have no interest, nor the capability, to be "Christ-like."

The entire concept going against the very fiber of the nigger's being.

Master Sergeant
12-26-2019, 10:38 AM
Nigger churches are havens for muh-dikk and tnb.

12-26-2019, 12:01 PM
Nigger churches are havens for muh-dikk and tnb.


Buck Simian
12-28-2019, 02:00 PM
So much niggetry i just can't handle this one. My senses are going into nigger-overload.

Chimp Detester
01-01-2020, 12:53 PM
Please remember that the prefix "Rev.", when ape-plied to a member of the nigger koon-munity (the manure pile), is not an abbreviation for "Reverend" (Worthy of respect; meriting honor). When ape-plied to the nigger beast, it must be understood as the abbreviation for Revolting (Disgusting; causing nausea).

So the Rev. Tobi (***Nigger name warning!) Adegboyega turns out to be just another nigger muh-dicker and scammer. TNB.

Also disgusting to see a few vile, race-traitorous coal-burning mud sharks in the koon-gregation.

01-01-2020, 01:48 PM
'Church of Bling'
Can they get anymore nigger?

The MP for Croydon North added that the alleged incidents are said to have happened in some of the 15 so-called 'trap houses' – safe houses for former gang members – run by the church across London.
This is what a country gets for letting African apes run amok

01-01-2020, 02:04 PM
'Church of Bling'
Can they get anymore nigger?

This is what a country gets for letting African apes run amok

That's right. Aren't the domestic ones bad enough? Even more savage ones must be imported?

In her words, 'Everyone was having sex with everyone else.' It is not what you would associate with a church.'

Sounds normal for a nigger church filled with hypersexual sows and randy bucks.

01-01-2020, 03:11 PM
Just what I was thinking, a nigger church of muh dik