View Full Version : Dindu Democrat Rep. Cedric Richmond watched golf on his laptop during impeachment hearing

Whitey Ford
12-15-2019, 01:54 AM
Watching golf instead of doing work LOL.
I'm sooo glad it's dumb niggers trying to impeach Trump, instead of someone smart, motivated and competent! Dumbass Democrat donkey show impeachment is headed for a spectacular FAIL.


12-16-2019, 09:34 PM
I hope this comes up come election time. Though the idiots that put that nigger there in the first place probably don't care.

12-17-2019, 12:06 AM
I hope this comes up come election time. Though the idiots that put that nigger there in the first place probably don't care.

Exactly. The district would already have to be filled with cucks and niggers to elect that thing, and we see all the time that if a nigger is somehow kicked out of office, it's because it's replaced with a worse nigger.

12-17-2019, 12:55 AM
What the hell do niggers care about watching golf anyw...

Oh yeah... Nigger Woods.

Dammit! Niggers ruin everything.

If one of them could ever outrun the cops, they'd try to takeover NASCAR!

They'll probably never try though, for fear of the subsequent tasing and beatdown they would get if they ever made it to victory lane.


What next? Hockey?
Hopefully they're still afraid of white guys chasing them wearing mask and swinging sticks.

12-17-2019, 04:06 AM
Niggers don't belong in any golf course, even as caddies. They should stick with nigger all like LeBron.