View Full Version : Convicted rapist kidnaps and rapes 15-year-old female who was walking home from a Dillons store (Kansas)

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-13-2019, 06:35 AM
Rape-ape Anthony Craig Seymour has been charged with several crimes in connection to the abduction and rape of a 15-year-old female (not known whether a girl or a sheboon. But most probably a girl) who was walking home from a Dillons store at Douglas and Hillside Ave, Wichita, Kansas.

As the teenage victim walked to the grocery store, the groid yelled at her “yo iz tooo cuute to runz overr.” The victim called a friend and was on the phone as she started to walk home.

She ran across the parking lot before the ape pulled its car in front of her. She told police that it then grabbed her by her hair, put a knife to her throat and forced her into its car. The girl told investigators that she offered to give the nigger money, but it demanded sex and raped her.

Two cops then arrived in the area. Wearing only a shirt and a bra, the girl jumped out of the moving car, which ran over her hand. The groid drove away, and the girl was taken to a hospital.

The rape-ape is a lifetime registered sex offender for a 2004 conviction in the rape of a 14-year-old girl. Records show the pavement ape was released from prison in 2016.


12-13-2019, 02:10 PM
It would be easier to just deport all of them back to Africa.

Besides, what do you expect the USA to do with all of those nigger muh diks?

Boil them and sell them to mudsharks as food?

12-13-2019, 04:47 PM
(not known whether a girl or a sheboon. But most probably a girl)

As the teenage victim walked to the grocery store, the groid yelled at her “yo iz tooo cuute to runz overr.”

it then grabbed her by her hair, put a knife to her throat and forced her into its car. The girl told investigators that she offered to give the nigger money

Any of those by itself is a good sign of niggerness, and all three are a guarantee.

12-13-2019, 11:48 PM
Two reminders of the rules:

No calls for violence, including what you think should be done to niggers.

No insults or flames toward other members. Period. A little towel-snapping in good fun is acceptable, but be respectful of other Chimpers (including our like-minded visitor forum guests).