View Full Version : Florida sheriff personally escorts groid to jail for cruelty to a superior animal after the nigger's dog was found "extremely emaciated"

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-09-2019, 05:58 PM
A Florida sheriff personally escorted a pavement ape into jail for failing to provide enough food for its “extremely emaciated” dog, warning neglectful pet owners that “if this is how you treat your dog … this is how we treat you.”

Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey on Thursday posted a photo of himself and Cpl. Chris Sauro of the Animal Cruelty Investigative Unit leading a handcuffed groid Ronald Peacock, which police said unsuccessfully tried to flee arresting officers, into the county jail.


12-09-2019, 06:16 PM
Give that nigger bread and water for a month.

I think folks in the military should be given bread, water, and lard for a month when and if they commit crimes worthy of such a punishment.

Niggers shouldn't be given lard, though. It's against their sand nigger religion.

Mentat of House Atreides
12-10-2019, 03:22 PM
Didn't President Trump just make this a federal offense?