View Full Version : Parent(s) of the teens who murdered a white guy arrested for helping their shitskins' jail break

12-07-2019, 02:57 PM
NASHVILLE, Tenn (AP) — Family members of one of the four Tennessee juveniles who broke out of a detention center over the weekend are charged with housing and helping the 15-year-old escapee elude authorities, Nashville police confirmed to news outlets.

Decorrius Wright, 16, and Calvin Howse, 15, were captured by detectives late Tuesday after fleeing Davidson County Juvenile Detention Center on Saturday, Metro Nashville Police tweeted. Wright is accused in the fatal shooting of Nashville musician Kyle Yorlets (human) last year. Howse is accused of an armed robbery, according to a Juvenile Crime Task Force supervisor.
Where is George Zimmerman when we need him the most. :zman

12-07-2019, 03:07 PM
The whole family in jail. Something they can all be proud of and tell their own niglets about if they ever get out.

Mentat of House Atreides
12-07-2019, 03:10 PM
Nigger parenting skills at their finest!