View Full Version : Does anyone know if the cops were niggers?

Cat fur allergic
12-06-2019, 02:32 PM

Two innocent civilians died. They were shooting were tons of people were. They had helicopters etc... They were being followed. No point in doing what they did. Could have waited for longer till area with alot less people.

Buck Simian
12-06-2019, 04:30 PM
And of course this is the police's fault. Most have probably seen this one by now, two groids rob a jewelry store and steal a UPS truck as their getaway vehicle. In the process they end up in a shoot-out with police, resulting in the death of the UPS driver and another person. The niggers were killed as well.

The UPS driver who was killed had been identified as Frank Ordonez, a 27-year-old man with two young daughters, according to reports.

Dude just showed up for work that day to make money so he could buy Christmas presents for his kids and thanks to NIGGERS he ends up dead and his daughters lives are ruined.



12-06-2019, 06:56 PM
Dude just showed up for work that day to make money so he could buy Christmas presents for his kids and thanks to NIGGERS he ends up dead and his daughters lives are ruined.

Remember that movie producer's scream in "The Godfather" echoing throughout his mansion? What we feel is is way beyond that, way beyond rage.


Cat fur allergic
12-06-2019, 09:21 PM

Human meat shields.

Sheboon DeLuxe
12-06-2019, 10:01 PM
Holy shit, the cops were using occupied cars as cover, and spraying bullets in a neighborhood. I'm with Cat Fur, that was the wrong way to do it. I'm glad the damn niggers are dead, but better tactics would have had a better outcome.

12-07-2019, 12:26 AM
The Two Murder Monkeys

Mentat of House Atreides
12-07-2019, 10:53 AM
Two innocent civilians died. They were shooting were tons of people were. They had helicopters etc... They were being followed. No point in doing what they did. Could have waited for longer till area with alot less people.

Holy shit, the cops were using occupied cars as cover, and spraying bullets in a neighborhood. I'm with Cat Fur, that was the wrong way to do it. I'm glad the damn niggers are dead, but better tactics would have had a better outcome.

Agreed! Anyway you pour this, there's going to be holy hell to pay!

Sheboon DeLuxe
12-08-2019, 08:51 AM

What a massive clusterfuck.