View Full Version : Fruits of DIEversity - Acid attack in north London leaves female in hospital

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-05-2019, 07:37 AM
A female (victim's kind unknown) has been rushed to hospital after a "substance" was thrown at her in a suspected acid attack in north London.

Police say she was attacked during the morning rush hour on Kentish Town Road. Officers arrived to the scene shortly before 7am following reports a chemical substance may have been thrown at a woman.

A woman working near the incident, told reporters that a customer said she watched the victim "collapse on the floor".



12-05-2019, 10:14 AM
Sand niggers believe in an eye for an eye right? I would like to see some appropriate punishment being applied. But we would hear about "human rights" and "cruel and unusual punishment". Punishment is supposed to be a deterrant for others more so than any kind of rehabilitation for the criminal.