View Full Version : Monroe County, New York makes it illegal to annoy or disrespect police officers, nigger leaders scream 'raycisss!

Whitey Ford
12-04-2019, 08:43 PM
A Local Government Makes It Illegal to ‘Annoy’ Police

A New York county this week outlawed any behavior that “intends to annoy, alarm or threaten the personal safety” of on-duty police officers or other first responders.

The passage of the anti-harassment measure in Monroe County, which includes the city of Rochester, was met with protests from activists and some local officials, who said the wording of the law, especially the inclusion of “annoy,” makes it too subjective to an individual officer’s perceptions.

Met with 'protests' from 'activists' LOL.

“There are already laws on the books protecting officers from threats or assault,” said Rev. Lewis Stewart, president of the United Christian Leadership Ministries of western New York, a group that organizes for social justice causes. “The law is very vague, very subjective, and very dangerous. It’s going to have a negative impact on communities of color.”
"Christian Leadership" my ass, more like nigger activist agitational 'leadership.'

12-04-2019, 11:08 PM
I don't think cops should be able to arrest someone, even a nigger for simply having to take their shit. However... I do think the cop should just say fuck it, I am on break the next time one of these niggers is getting robbed and turned out by another nigger.

12-05-2019, 12:35 AM
Things have gotten so bad in that area, the local county government felt compelled to pass such a statute. Just let that sink in.

I read the news for that area the other day a local Marine combat veteran was assaulted by two groids, a buck and its sheboon, at a local suburban convenience store when the guy intervened on the behalf of the clerk behind the counter who merely asked the niggers for ID. These uppity shit skins chimped out on the clerk, so the white guy intervened, resulting in a violent confrontation in the store.

“There are already laws on the books protecting officers from threats or assault,” said Rev. Lewis Stewart, president of the United Christian Leadership Ministries of western New York, a group that organizes for social justice causes. “The law is very vague, very subjective, and very dangerous. It’s going to have a negative impact on communities of color.”

Cuck whites are behind assholes like that revrum shit skin having any platform to flap its blue gums. They can take their social justice bullshit and go pound sand with it.


Whitey Ford
12-05-2019, 04:15 AM
I read the news for that area the other day a local Marine combat veteran was assaulted by two groids, a buck and its sheboon, at a local suburban convenience store when the guy intervened on the behalf of the clerk behind the counter who merely asked the niggers for ID. These uppity shit skins chimped out on the clerk, so the white guy intervened, resulting in a violent confrontation in the store.

It's sad that any vet that went abroad and risked their life to defend this country should ever have to come home and have to defend their life again against an ingrate, dirty and worthless nigger. If niggers don't appreciate the freedoms our armed forces have secured for them, they don't deserve them. All niggers to prison now!


12-05-2019, 01:51 PM
I wonder why the nigger community automatically assumed that they were being "unfairly" targeted by this new law.

I think niggers know that what they are doing is wrong, and they want to keep doing wrong things because niggers have no respect for law, order, or peace.

It would be "racist" if only one race or species had to follow the laws, but this law seems to include all races and species.

We need to bring back Jim Crow. :bat

edit: If Michelle Obama ran for president in 2020 and promised to bring back segregation between humans and niggers... would you vote for it?

What we really need is a system where niggers are both segregated from humans, and considered to be worth, say, less than 49% of what a human is worth. That way it would require a minimum of 3 niggers to have more voting power than one human. And then we should be allowed to pay them 49% of what a human would get paid to do the same job. Even half-breeds would count as 49% human, at best. Any nigger DNA would result in an official classification as subhumannigger. All humans would have equal rights and privileges; only niggers would be classified as inferior.

Maybe I should consider running for president. And believe it or not, there are many niggers that know they are inferior to the human species, and would actually support segregation. I would just need the right way to make this appeal to both humans and niggers.

"Get a free bucket of KFC, a 40 of malt liquor, and a ghetto lobster if you vote for CreepyAssNigger! Humans not eligible for this offer. Any humans attempting to take advantage of this offer will receive the items and be put on The Nigger List. Possession of any or all items is implied consent to be considered 49% human or less."

12-05-2019, 02:33 PM
edit: If Michelle Obama ran for president in 2020 and promised to bring back segregation between humans and niggers... would you vote for it?

Here is the problem...the lines need to be enforced. Nigger crosses the line into a white only neighborhood they are fair game. The decision of who enforces the boundaries, LEOs or residents, needs to be determined ahead of time. Whites stupid enough to violate the boundaries deserve what they get and are banned from white only areas.

12-05-2019, 08:10 PM
Does the mere presence of niggers constitute an 'annoyance'? Asking for a friend...


12-05-2019, 08:57 PM
Does the mere presence of niggers constitute an 'annoyance'? Asking for a friend...


The mere existence of niggers is an annoyance. Knowing they could knuckle drag into your presence at almost any time is almost as bad as them being there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

12-05-2019, 09:17 PM
Segregation is one thing if it involves keeping niggers away from Humans. I am all in favor of that. However, the nigger zones should not be "no-go" zones for Whites. I refuse to cede one square inch of this country to the filthy nigger. Whites should be able to go wherever they damn please.

12-05-2019, 09:30 PM
Segregation is one thing if it involves keeping niggers away from Humans. I am all in favor of that. However, the nigger zones should not be "no-go" zones for Whites. I refuse to cede one square inch of this country to the filthy nigger. Whites should be able to go wherever they damn please.

The problem is the mudshark migration pattern. Once they get tired of muhdikk and no food, they'll want to come back over the wall.

Maybe a one way turnstyle?

12-05-2019, 11:29 PM
The problem is the mudshark migration pattern. Once they get tired of muhdikk and no food, they'll want to come back over the wall.

Maybe a one way turnstyle?


12-06-2019, 02:49 AM
Whites should be able to go wherever they damn please.

Funny, that's kind of how we got into this mess in the first place.

We should have never gone to Apefrica and...
We should have picked our own damn cotton!!!

OK, it wasn't simply the going there that did it to us. It was the scourge that we willingly brought back. I see the slave trade of back then as akin to the corporate suits who make a quick buck today with no worry about the long term effects of tomorrow. None of them can see past the end of the fiscal year cause that's when they get their bonus checks. To hell with the toxic dump they leave the rest of us.

You can't take a family dog to Hawaii without putting it into quarantine but we brought those damn niggers over here by the boatload. Those suits should have known what the outcome would be down the road but didn't give a shit. Now we've got rabid niggers running around everywhere. They're worse than rabid dogs would be in Hawaii. Dogs just shit, bite and spread rabies. Niggers shit, bite, spread diseases (and more niggers), stab, shoot, rape, rob and all the other monkeyshines they do. I would much rather deal with frothing dogs only. We had those here to begin with.

So, sure. Visit the zoo - but watch the apes from behind the glass only. Better yet send them all back and let Steve Irwin's kids shoot video and we'll watch it on TV for shits and giggles.

Sorry for the rant. I know i said this would be quick. I guess I've hit my upper tolerance limit for niggers early this month due to the holidays and what not.