View Full Version : Sheboons mace security guard (a man) before fleeing with cart full of stolen goods on Black Friday (Video)

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-04-2019, 07:27 PM
CCTV footage captures two female pavement apes walking out of the Burlington Coat Factory in Northtown Mall, Minnesota, with baskets full of items. As they walk toward the exit, a loss prevention officer can be seen running after them and grabbing their carts back into the store.

One of the sheboons sprays the officer in the face with mace while the other sheboon flees the scene. The two groids left the store empty-handed but soon returned to grab the stolen goods.


Video (CCTV footage)


Whitey Ford
12-04-2019, 08:53 PM
What are niggers doing in Minnesota? That play must have some generous welfare benefits to attract those feral niggers because the climate sure wasn't made for niggers. I downloaded the CCTV footage.


12-04-2019, 10:46 PM
Only niggers would steal the crap at a Burlington. The first time I ever went to one was in White Plains, and it was as full of niggers as the adjacent Target. I think I went back one more time because Mrs. S wanted to see for herself, and we never bought anything.