View Full Version : Animated pile of pig excrement

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-04-2019, 09:31 AM

Mentat of House Atreides
12-04-2019, 09:32 AM
Ewww! That's just nasty!

12-04-2019, 09:38 AM
So this is where our tax dollars go.


12-04-2019, 12:36 PM
Damn niggers are nasty and this sheboon eating jenkem filled diapers :vomit

Umm, I think that's called a jenkem soufflé.

It's a nigger delicacy best served with Colt Foatee Fibes and KFC.:furk

12-04-2019, 06:55 PM
Umm, I think that's called a jenkem soufflé.

It's a nigger delicacy best served with Colt Foatee Fibes and KFC.:furk


12-04-2019, 09:39 PM
Looks like the Michelin Man after a long day of off-road mudding in Tennessee.

12-04-2019, 11:07 PM
Looks like the Michelin Man after a long day of off-road mudding in Tennessee.

As a Tennessee native, can confirm.
If tires are black, why is the Michelin man white anyway?

12-07-2019, 12:53 AM

Rape Ape
12-07-2019, 01:06 AM
It's Jaqueefa the Hutt. I'd hate to be Han Solo, stuck in carbonite, forced to always star at that thing. Ugh...

Rape Ape
12-07-2019, 01:17 AM
So this is where our tax dollars go.

Just when you thought niggers couldn't get any more gross.
Well, stankqueefa: You ARE what you eat.

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-07-2019, 02:14 PM
Just when you thought niggers couldn't get any more gross.

I don't know which one is more disgusting: that fat-shit sheboon or a shit-head Libtard (like Bill de Blasio and Alexis Ohanian) who would drill that shit.

:hurl :vomit :hurl

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-07-2019, 02:34 PM
Have you seen the sow de Blasio is married to and oil drilling?

IT looks like a walking piece of excrement.

No, fortunately, I haven't. I need my eyes to remain functional and healthy. I don't want the sight of some walking-shit sheboon to burn my retinas.


Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-07-2019, 04:56 PM
Dude you crack me up :lmao


:cheers :witchdoctor