View Full Version : Sow arrested for punching its 2-month-old turd, slamming it to the ground; turd not expected to survive

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-01-2019, 05:15 AM
A sow-groid has been charged after officials said it punched its 2-month-old sheboon niglet in the face and slammed it to the ground.

Pavement ape Nina Singleton was charged with "child" abuse for a pattern of assaults that prosecutors said may have started after the turd was shat out.

The nigger-shit is on life support with skull fractures, bleeding on its "brain" and a broken shoulder and leg. It is not expected to survive.




12-01-2019, 11:51 AM

Another niglet will be earning its bat wings and flying back to Hell from where it came.


Serpents reign
12-01-2019, 08:13 PM
Maybe she can make a scheme out of this and Crimestoppers could start paying her.

12-01-2019, 08:22 PM
That sheboon's resemblance to a gorilla is only superficial. Mother gorillas would never abuse their babies.

Singleton is being treated for psychiatric issues

Right, because only niggers with psychiatric issues abuse and murder their sprogs. All niggers have psychiatric issues leading to violent outbursts = low IQs = therefore it's normal for them to kill their butt nuggets. What's the big deal?

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-02-2019, 10:40 AM
That sheboon's resemblance to a gorilla is only superficial. Mother gorillas would never abuse their babies.

Nope, you're factually wrong. You don't need to elevate other apes, in this case gorillas, in order to bash groids. Gorillas, chimps and "mother" bonobos have been observed to eat their youngsters.

I hate groids and don't want to see them in human societies because they are a species of ape. I would equally hate chimps and bonobos if they were pushed into human societies as a different "race" of humans and allowed to bring chaos into our lives by their incessant monkeyshines.

SC Anemia
12-02-2019, 11:47 AM
Nope, you're factually wrong. You don't need to elevate other apes, in this case gorillas, in order to bash groids. Gorillas, chimps and "mother" bonobos have been observed to eat their youngsters.

Keeping in mind that there's a huge distinction between an ape being observed doing something and that 'something' being a regular practice.

Chimpanzee, Bonobo, Orangutan, and Gorilla mothers do get ROUTINELY observed carrying and mourning a deceased infant for days even a week.

On the other hand, I've seen a battle sow fling a nigfant at another as a distraction. Toss them to the ground before a fight, and many things a great ape has never been observed doing.

EDIT: I can also prove my point with just the last few days news headlines from our own forum:


12-02-2019, 12:16 PM
Actually niggers are a sub-species of apes/gorillas , they're less intelligent than apes or gorillas. Take Koko for instance, that gorilla had an IQ that rivals any nigger on the planet.

True. Koko had an IQ of around 60, equal or above many species of nigger, like those in Papua New Guinea.

Nope, you're factually wrong. You don't need to elevate other apes, in this case gorillas, in order to bash groids. Gorillas, chimps and "mother" bonobos have been observed to eat their youngsters.

When any animal kills and eats their young, there is usually a very good reason for it. The baby may be ill or deformed with no chance of survival. It may be diseased and could infect other members of the pack or herd. There may not be enough food available. They do not systematically abuse and torture their young to death.

Chimpanzee, Bonobo, Orangutan, and Gorilla mothers do get ROUTINELY observed carrying and mourning a deceased infant for days even a week.

That's longer than the mourning period for sows, who shriek and ook, "Mah chile!" and then forget all about it in a day or two.

On the other hand, I've seen a battle sow fling a nigfant at another as a distraction. Toss them to the ground before a fight, and many things a great ape has never been observed doing.

We saw a vid not long ago with just that - a sow dropping her newborn niglet on the ground so she could attack another sow. The niglet was trampled in the melee and died. My cat, OTOH, would have faced down a bear to protect her babies.

12-02-2019, 12:23 PM
Koko was smarter and more civilised than that nigger ho.
Unlike niggers, koko was more likely to have had a soul.

12-02-2019, 12:34 PM
Sorry but you're incorrect on Koko's IQ

Oh, hell. So gorillas are much smarter than any nigger on the planet, even without the ability to speak. That says a lot.