View Full Version : 'Slightly Tinted' suspect goes on stabbing spree in the Netherlands

Buck Simian
11-29-2019, 05:02 PM
I have heard them called everything, from teens to outright niggers but never slightly tinted. Dear God when will the coddling end?



We are looking for a slightly tinted man of about 45 to 50 years

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-29-2019, 05:15 PM
I have heard them called everything, from teens to outright niggers but never slightly tinted. Dear God when will the coddling end?



It's their way of saying it was a Sandnigger.


"Slightly tinted" with what? With shit? With nigger blood?

11-29-2019, 05:36 PM
As far as I can tell, European white people are so afraid of being called racist that they have straight up become cuckolds.

Back in the old days, the victors of wars were given the privilege of telling their subjects what to think about history.

It looks like these days, white people don't have the fucking nutsacks to stand up for themselves and claim what belongs to them.

Yeah, let those niggers impregnate your wives. Let us see what happens to humankind in a couple of generations, you fucking cuck cowards!!!

11-29-2019, 06:19 PM
It's their way of saying it was a Sandnigger.

"Slightly tinted" with what? With shit? With nigger blood?

Okay, this is the most bizarre thing I've read from human beings desperate to protect beastly niggers and sandniggers and defend their choice to allow these invasions of non-humans. The thing is, I really think it can and will get worse.

11-29-2019, 06:37 PM
Okay, this is the most bizarre thing I've read from human beings desperate to protect beastly niggers and sandniggers and defend their choice to allow these invasions of non-humans. The thing is, I really think it can and will get worse.

Soon they will be ordering you to allow your wife and daughters to be raped by these sand niggers (and niggers).

And they will force you to pimp out your sons to these sand niggers.

In the name of DIEVERSITY.

And you will be forced to raise these niglets as if they were your own children.

What fucking cucks. White Europeans are such a fucking joke. They deserve to die.

They don't have what it takes to fight for survival.

11-29-2019, 06:46 PM
Soon they will be ordering you to allow your wife and daughters to be raped by these sand niggers (and niggers).

And they will force you to pimp out your sons to these sand niggers.

In the name of DIEVERSITY.

And you will be forced to raise these niglets as if they were your own children.

What fucking cucks. White Europeans are such a fucking joke. They deserve to die.

They don't have what it takes to fight for survival.

Pretty much this is the future, for all of Europe:
