View Full Version : BASED! Scorpions drummer James Kottack says Hollywood is jamming 'mixed race' couples and niggers down our throats

Whitey Ford
11-27-2019, 11:40 PM
Ex-SCORPIONS Drummer JAMES KOTTAK Says Black Americans Are Disproportionately Represented In Commercials

Goddamnit, that is BASED! I'm going to blast tons of Scorpions and Kingdom Come tomorrow at Thanksgiving.


Former SCORPIONS and current KINGDOM COME drummer James Kottak says that blacks in American ads and commercials are way overrepresented relative to their population share.

Late Tuesday night (November 26), Kottak took to his Twitter to write: "OK so the percentage of black Americans in the US is about 13% so why are they represented 50 to 60% on all commercials? Just saying call me out if you have a reasonable argument?"

A short time later, he added: "Maybe none of you have any balls to speak the truth?"

This is not the first time Kottak has called out what he sees as disproportionate representation of certain races in advertising. This past October, he tweeted that he was "sick" of seeing commercials featuring "interracial couples," insisting that "this is not reality. It is Hollywood shoving it down our throat," he added. "I don't have one friend or friends who live in this category...just saying"


Whitey Ford
11-28-2019, 12:01 AM
Ex-Scorpions Drummer James Kottak: Amount of Interracial Couples in Commercials ‘Is Not Reality’

Some people truly have no filter on social media. James Kottak of Kingdom Come and formerly of the Scorpions has gone off in a tweet about the amount of interracial couples in commercials, insinuating that it "is not reality."

"You know I am sick of every other commercial having interracial couples...this is not reality. It is Hollywood shoving it down our throat. I don’t have one friend or friends who live in this category...just saying," Kottak said in a tweet, followed by a bunch of animal and American flag emojis.

The drummer has gone off on several other controversial tangents in the past on Twitter as well, especially regarding climate change — "For those of us who lived through it, we were told an ice age was coming in 1978/79. Who froze? I am all about ‘reduce reuse recycle repurpose’ the rest is political b.s...same now . I recycle every piece of paper, containers, and have done since I was 9 years old...I encourage."


SC Anemia
11-28-2019, 12:17 AM
A short time later, he added: "Maybe none of you have any balls to speak the truth?"

Like a fuckin BOSS! :jawdrop

11-28-2019, 12:25 AM
A short time later, he added: "Maybe none of you have any balls to speak the truth?"

They don't, obviously. They just think it and no one can tell me they aren't sick to death of seeing white women with nigger bucks and niggers, niggers, niggers in every possible medium and in the most fake representations possible, as professionals, doctors, lawyers in beautiful clean homes with perfect families, concerned about insurance and wills.

I can only imagine what he says in private, with what's going on in Germany. I hope he doesn't mind having his career ended now by rabid SJWs and hypocrites.

Funny, I was just watching one of their vids.