View Full Version : Coon walks into university libraries and randomly dumps "liquefied feces" on Asians

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-27-2019, 11:22 AM
Toronto police have arrested a suspect for throwing buckets of poop at five Asians in a series of apparently random, nauseating attacks.

Groid Samuel Opoku, 23, of Toronto, was arrested Tuesday night in the downtown area and charged with five counts of assault with a weapon and five counts of mischief interfere with property.

The animal dumped a bucket filled with liquefied feces on an Asian female outside the University of Toronto about midnight Monday, officials said.

Similar assaults occurred at the University of Toronto on Friday and at York University on Sunday.




:fling :sheeit

11-27-2019, 11:40 AM
Isn't that how Africoons communicate in the wild?

although all the victims are Asian, authorities do not believe the attacks were racially motivated.

Of course. It's a documented fact that only white people can be racist.

11-27-2019, 03:32 PM
In the article, a doctor Isaac Bogoch states that it is okay to be drenched in feces because the average human's immune system can readily defeat whatever is in the feces.

Um, no.

I'm pretty sure hepatitis and various types of "food poisoning" are spread via fecal exposure, and two, niggers reproduce by defecating.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I would not want baby niggers in my mouth, nose, eyes, or hair. Or on any part of me. That's how diseases get spread. Remember the black plague? It's still a thing.

When I take the Obama kids to the pool, I always remember to flush the toilet, because I don't want to be responsible for the things turning into niglets.

11-27-2019, 10:55 PM
Since it was Asians......now where's the hate crime? and I am sure the MSM's will cover this.

If a nigger threw nigger feces and piss on me. well lets just say, I would be on every MSM news station for weeks.

Answers would be demanded that is for sure.

You can bet you last dollar had someone dumped a bucket of WATER on a nigger it would be a hate crime. But a bucket of shit? You would be in jail for life.

Serpents reign
11-27-2019, 11:25 PM
This is the most disgusting thing even for niggers. I guess they really are going back to their animalistic roots just like monkeys do with throwing poop at people as a form of aggressive behavior.