View Full Version : Swedenistan: Municipalities are cutting basic public services to offset large cost of taking in "migrants"

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-27-2019, 07:55 AM
Eight out of ten municipalities in Sweden will be forced to slash funds used to finance basic public services to offset the high cost of taking in large numbers of welfare-dependent nigger & sandnigger migrants.

The survey found that 46 percent of municipalities reported having plans to slash disability services, while half said that they would be forced to make serious spending cuts in individual and family care to save money for invading groid and sandgroid "migrants".





11-27-2019, 04:02 PM
I thought all those imported shitskins were supposed to improve the diversity levels and create a utopia.

What happened?

Serpents reign
11-27-2019, 10:13 PM
This is easily something you can point at and start laughing and sort of make fun of and I'm very proud that some of my ancestors moved out of that country before it got cuckolded to death I'm just a little bit Swedish that's all but I do want to point out this is something that should not be taken lightly you do understand that some of these countries have nuclear material and they can make nuclear weapons if they wanted to if the native white population dies out in Sweden or any other Western European nation these shits skin Muslims are going to have access to nuclear material and military artillery and weapons and could post a huge threat to the United States within 100 or 200 years this is very serious and should not be taken lightly this is why I encourage everybody to is a conservative or a right-winger who is a native Swede are not want to move the fuck out of the country and let us bomb the entire nation with all its Muslims feminist and sjw queers and let it settle for 1,000 years after the radiation has been completely depleted and their descendants of the swedes that left could move back in and recreate a nation much better than what it used to be

11-27-2019, 10:45 PM
slash funds used to finance basic public services

And that means cutting government spending on native, taxpaying Swedes. "Migrants" will still get free lunches and everything else. Because, you know, that would be culturally insensitive.