View Full Version : Nigger Took a Machete to a Gun Fight

SC Anemia
11-25-2019, 09:43 PM
Dumbass used a machete to rob an auto parts store, jack a car that he later crashed then proceeded to earn his batwings by charging a cop with it.



Los Angeles police shot and killed a person armed with a machete during a confrontation in Hollywood Monday that left an officer injured, the LAPD said.

Dramatic video shows the officer chasing the suspect who was running down the street with a long machete. The officer can be heard shouting commands at the suspect, who then turns around and runs toward the officer with the weapon in his hand.

Several shots were fired by the officer as he backed away from the still-approaching suspect, causing the officer to run into the street and subsequently fall down. Just as the suspect reaches the officer on the ground, two additional officers arrive and one shoots the suspect.



11-25-2019, 10:13 PM
But his mammy said he was a good boy? The po-leece could have done more! We demand answers!

11-25-2019, 10:16 PM
Dumbass used a machete to rob an auto parts store, jack a car that he later crashed then proceeded to earn his batwings by charging a cop with it.





This makes me all "warm and fuzzy" inside!!

Serpents reign
11-25-2019, 10:35 PM
Niggers are going to start protesting for the police officers that made him good and demand that they both be arrested and charged with murder every nigger is innocent to these niggers Minds because in their eyes they are just getting back at Society it's pretty disgusting but I hope they do more to kill each other and their own ghettos

LeeRoy Jenkums
11-25-2019, 11:25 PM
This makes me all "warm and fuzzy" inside!!

I know. I love a happy ending.

SC Anemia
11-26-2019, 12:10 AM
When you have a weapon and beg the LAPD to issue your batwings, chances are good they're going to oblige. They're funny that way.


11-26-2019, 12:28 AM
Well, hell. They cut the video off at the best part. Bummer.

11-26-2019, 10:14 AM
The nigger was obviously severely mentally ill. Well, that is normal for niggers, but it must have been high on something.

It had probably smoked marijuana, which exacerbates symptoms of pre-existing paranoid schizophrenia and psychosis in niggers.

Have you ever been around an angry nigger that reeked of marijuana? This is what is going on.

Obviously, other drugs can have a similar deleterious effect on the nigger. Jenkem is notorious for creating a different type of temporary insanity among niggerkind.

Perhaps instead of non-lethal weapons like beanbags and tazers, maybe they should instead use tranquilizer darts filled with Thorazine.

11-26-2019, 11:53 AM
Naturally the libtard reporter had to interview "Toilet Brush Head" :lol


I guess they searched all over to find one nigger who could get out a coherent sentence. Even the toilet brush admits the po-po were right, although he laments the groid being made good. But it was smart to pick this one, so they can say, 'Look. Even a nigger agrees with the outcome, so you libtards and coons piss off."

11-26-2019, 11:13 PM
I guess they searched all over to find one nigger who could get out a coherent sentence. Even the toilet brush admits the po-po were right, although he laments the groid being made good. But it was smart to pick this one, so they can say, 'Look. Even a nigger agrees with the outcome, so you libtards and coons piss off."

That is one FUNNY LOOKING nigger!!

Buck Simian
11-27-2019, 01:02 AM
I think this was a pretty intelligent nigger. A rocket scientist among niggers. Other niggers should follow his example.