View Full Version : NFL monkeyball nigger 'defensive end' Myles Garrett hits Whitey Quarterback Mason Rudolph and gets suspension- claims racisms to blame

Whitey Ford
11-23-2019, 05:40 PM
Mason Rudolph isn’t taking Myles Garrett’s racial-slur accusation well

During his appeal hearing with the NFL on Wednesday, Browns defensive end Myles Garrett claimed Rudolph’s use of a racial slur was what instigated their fight last week. Heyward said that after finding out, the Pittsburgh quarterback went out of his way to tell him it wasn’t true.

“He was pretty distraught and said, ‘I did not say that,’” Heyward told reporters on Thursday. “I think we knew that using that as an excuse is not right.”

The league says it looked into Garrett’s allegations that Rudolph used a racial slur “and found no such evidence.”


NFL player Myles Garrett's indefinite suspension upheld, claims Mason Rudolph used racial slur
The Pittsburgh Steelers said Rudolph denied making any disparaging remark before he was struck by Garrett, who tried to appeal his suspension.[/COLOR]Cleveland Browns star Myles Garrett won't be playing for the foreseeable future after his indefinite suspension was upheld on appeal, the NFL said Thursday.

Garrett's historic suspension follows an appeal hearing Wednesday in which he claimed his brutal helmet attack on Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Mason Rudolph was preceded by Rudolph's use of a racial slur.

White Orchid
11-23-2019, 10:04 PM
NFL Finds ‘No Evidence’ Mason Rudolph Called Myles Garrett A Racial Slur


PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — According to NFL Network’s Mike Garafolo, the NFL found no evidence to support Steelers quarterback Mason Rudolph called Myles Garrett a racial slur during the Steelers-Browns brawl last week.

“Just asked Baker Mayfield about Garrett’s allegation that Rudolph used a racial slur and he seemed pretty stunned. Said wasn’t something he’d heard, including from anyone on the team, until I just asked him.”

“I asked Browns DT Sheldon Richardson if Myles Garrett had ever told him what Garrett alleged about Rudolph in the hearing. Richardson said he hadn’t and said my question was the first he’d even heard about it.”

Hey, nigger, it didn't work for Jussie Smollet. Looks like the same bullshit backfired on you too. :lol

LeeRoy Jenkums
11-23-2019, 11:08 PM
So funny that he thought he could just claim a honky n-worded at him, and that would justify his niggerish behaviors.

"It not my fault. Him n-worded at me. It make me mad."

So, let me get this straight, Mr Garrett :

You claim that Mr Rudolph called you a nigger...and that is supposed to justify you acting like a fucking nigger?

I know you don't understand how that doesn't make sense to anyone BUT a nigger.

11-25-2019, 01:12 AM
I don't give a shit what Rudolph called him. Garrett ripped Rudolph's helmet off and then used it as a club, and actually hit Rudolph in the head with it. He's already been shown to be an exceptionally violent and volatile nigger, even for the NFL. He won't be playing again. I suspect his suspension will become a lifetime ban at some point.