View Full Version : Nigger country singer's coalburner gets cancer of the ass

Whitey Ford
11-21-2019, 04:46 AM
Country singer Coffey Anderson, 40, says 'life is not fair' after learning that his wife Criscilla's stage-4 colon cancer has now spread

Burn the coal, get cancer in butthole!

Country singer Coffey Anderson has opened up for the first time about the moment his wife Criscilla was given her devastating stage 4 cancer diagnosis.

Anderson whose own mother died of lung cancer when he was just 10-years-old, told People: 'Life is not fair, but God is always good.'

Mom-of-three Criscilla, 39, was first diagnosed with colon cancer in 2018. She was told by a doctor within the last few weeks that the disease has now spread and is 'growing up her back'.

Coffey, 40, said: 'When you say that you will be there for each other through thick and thin and through sickness and health, you have to mean it.'

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-21-2019, 04:58 AM
Got colon cancer after shitting out turds :rofl

This ape-fucking, niglet-crapping muh-dik-sucker deserves a punishment far worse than a colon cancer.

I hope the mudshark writhes in agony till the last breath.


11-21-2019, 08:23 AM
Burn the coal, get cancer in butthole!


Mentat of House Atreides
11-21-2019, 08:40 AM

11-21-2019, 09:42 AM
Country singer Coffey Anderson, 40, says 'life is not fair' after learning that his wife Criscilla's stage-4 colon cancer has now spread

Burn the coal, get cancer in butthole!


A nigger named coffey, you can't make this shit up!!

White Orchid
11-21-2019, 11:33 AM
A nigger named coffey, you can't make this shit up!!

I was about to post this! :rofl

Rape Ape
11-21-2019, 11:37 AM
Bluegum venom is carcinogenic. Who knew? :lmao

And "Nigger Country Singer". God...


11-21-2019, 01:30 PM
Bluegum venom is carcinogenic. Who knew? :lmao

And "Nigger Country Singer". God...


Exactly. Nigger country singer. Boy, know your place. Get lost!
And his wife/whore. What a disgusting animal for producing half breed abominations. Hope the cancer spreads to its brain quickly.

SC Anemia
11-21-2019, 01:35 PM

Whitey Ford
11-21-2019, 02:54 PM

Excellent post, Organ Grinder!


11-21-2019, 03:37 PM
Got colon cancer after shitting out turds
This ape-fucking, niglet-crapping muh-dik-sucker deserves a punishment far worse than a colon cancer.

Having had human friends that died from CC, trust me it is one hell of a punishment. The only death more painful among cancer victims would probably be pancreatic cancer. Once it metastasizes, it's every organ anyway. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I reserve that special kind of hate for kid diddlers, rapist, and such.

As far as how she contracted the baboon butt death, this is from the Mayo Clinic website:

"Risk factors: Several factors have been found to increase the risk of anal cancer, including: Many sexual partners. People who have many sexual partners over their lifetimes have a greater risk of anal cancer.
Anal sex. People who engage in receptive anal sex have an increased risk of anal cancer.
Human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infection increases your risk of several cancers, including anal cancer and cervical cancer. HPV infection is a sexually transmitted infection that can also cause genital warts.
Drugs or conditions that suppress your immune system. HIV — the virus that causes AIDS — suppresses the immune system and increases the risk of anal cancer."

Niggers have the highest rates for HPV, HIV, and every other STD of any species.

What did she think was going to happen?

11-21-2019, 10:21 PM
Country singer Coffey Anderson, 40, says 'life is not fair' after learning that his wife Criscilla's stage-4 colon cancer has now spread

You mean they had mutant offspring?

11-22-2019, 05:37 PM
A proper end befitting a species-traitor.


11-22-2019, 08:29 PM
Excellent post, Organ Grinder!


Thanks Whitey! Lol

11-24-2019, 09:47 PM
She has five weeks to croak and be submitted as a candidate for 2019 Mudshark of the Year.