View Full Version : Groid "migrant" randomly attacks three Belgians with wooden weapon, leaving them in serious condition

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-19-2019, 09:33 AM
A "migrant" from Africa attacked three passers-by in the city center of Kortrijk, Belgium, on Friday evening, leaving two of the victims in serious condition.

The attacker, a 30-year-old ape from Ghana, randomly smacked passers-by on the head with some sort of wooden weapon, a beam or a stick.

Shortly after the uncaged ape was arrested by police, nigger-loving law "doctors" who examined it determined that it "suffered" from a mental illness of some sort . As a result, the groid was transferred to a (human) psychiatric hospital.



11-19-2019, 10:24 AM


Tired of your niggers yet, EU??

Mentat of House Atreides
11-19-2019, 10:38 AM
Shortly after the attacker was arrested by police, law doctors who examined him determined that he suffered from a mental illness of some sort.

All niggers suffer from "mental illness", it's called niggetism!

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-19-2019, 10:50 AM
All niggers suffer from "mental illness", it's called niggetism!

Niggers don't "suffer" from mental illnesses.

Libtards and other nigger-coddlers are under the destructive delusion that "niggers are human". So when these native animals of African jungles, i.e. niggers, act and behave according to their hard-wired animal instincts, they baffle their Libtard lovers. And being unwilling to see the inconvenient truth (that niggers are wild apes), nigger-lovers desperately try to come up with an excuse to exonerate their pet apes.

Mentat of House Atreides
11-19-2019, 10:53 AM
Niggers don't "suffer" from mental illnesses.

Libtards and other nigger-coddlers are under the destructive delusion that "niggers are human". So when these native animals of African jungles, i.e. niggers, act and behave according to their hard-wired animal instincts, they baffle their Libtard lovers. And being unwilling to see the inconvenient truth (that niggers are wild apes), nigger-lovers desperately try to come up with an excuse to exonerate their pet apes.

Agreed! I only used "niggertism" as a frame of reference...

11-19-2019, 09:37 PM
Welcome Migrants!!

Maybe he just need some MILK.

Oh, and thanks to whoever censored those pics of savages. One thing I do NOT to see is nigger muh diks. *gag*