View Full Version : Chimps are killing niggers in Apefrica.

Cat fur allergic
11-17-2019, 03:24 PM
Bad news is niggers are being armed by humans.
Chimps are killing these niggers lol. They can win the war as long as the niggers are not armed by humans.


Humans at war with apes as villagers take revenge butchering baby-eating chimps

11-17-2019, 07:42 PM
Bad news is niggers are being armed by humans.
Chimps are killing these niggers lol. They can win the war as long as the niggers are not armed by humans.


What's wrong with this statement is that niggers are NOT 'human."

Buck Simian
11-17-2019, 08:12 PM
One notorious chimpanzee "serial killer" – nicknamed Saddam by fearful locals – was responsible for the deaths of at least seven babies.

He would tear open their bellies and eat parts of their intestines before discarding the bodies.

Is he muslim?


Odin's balls
11-19-2019, 02:53 PM
My money is on the chimps.