View Full Version : Swedish government funds drag queen story hour for kids (read by trannies and other degenerates)

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-15-2019, 03:06 PM
The Swedish government is set to grant $177,000 from the Swedish Inheritance Fund – a state body that manages the inheritance money of Swedes who’ve died without heirs – to fund drag queen story hours for kids.

The money will then be used to organize events where transvestite and tranny sickfucks "read" stories to unsuspecting children.



11-28-2019, 01:16 PM
And the parents can't see that this is blatant grooming? Unreal

11-28-2019, 11:04 PM
It could be worse...

It is not like they are teaching the kids that it is okay to be severely mentally ill, right?

Pamphlets are surely being given out with information about how to seek out affordable mental health care.

(I can't help but wonder if this is all part of a larger campaign to discourage population growth; the real problem with this idea is that the same nations seem to be doing nothing to curb population growth in Africa and nigger populations. And in some cases are actually encouraging scenarios that involve humans being raped and impregnated by nigger immigrants. It seems bizarrely suicidal, which makes me question the mental health of those in charge of things.)