View Full Version : "British" Royal Turd

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-15-2019, 02:26 PM
Click on the pics to see them in full size.



Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-15-2019, 02:32 PM
Now that looks like one low IQ mutant sprog.

This is how it more or less looks like. But, the "royal" ape-lovers massively photoshop the turd's pics when they want to release its photos to the media.

I'm just waiting for the day when the niglet muh-diks one of the royal cucks :lol

:niglets :muhdick

Rape Ape
11-15-2019, 04:26 PM
Even without the fully oxidized charcoal-shit skin coloring (the natural warning sign of a nigger), you can already see its broad gorilla nose and emerging bootlips. Definitely a nigger.

11-15-2019, 06:39 PM
That doesn't look anything like the faux-baby we saw at first. Definitely a throw-back to the royal sow's Africoon heritage. :lol

11-15-2019, 08:37 PM
Holy shit is that real? You know the queen is hoping that thing gets a set of batwings before it can breed in the name of the royal family.

SC Anemia
11-15-2019, 08:55 PM
Click on the pics to see them in full size.



Wow, in any other thread I would have just assumed that was a nigfant. That's as nigger as any other turd.

Are you serious, not a photoshop or anything? Do you have a link to where you found that?

11-15-2019, 08:58 PM
Wow, in any other thread I would have just assumed that was a nigfant. That's as nigger as any other turd.

Are you serious, not a photoshop or anything? Do you have a link to where you found that?

That DEFINITELY looks like homo erectus!! The Queen must be LIVID having a primate as a Great Grand Keyid!!

11-15-2019, 09:50 PM
That is indeed a photoshop. Here is the original. He is still a dirty driller though. You almost can believe it is real when you mix in nigger blood.


SC Anemia
11-15-2019, 11:50 PM
That is indeed a photoshop. Here is the original. He is still a dirty driller though. You almost can believe it is real when you mix in nigger blood.

Great catch BOH, someone photoshopped the shit out of that. It's still a mongrel turd, PS'd or not.

On a side note, I hate when people do that kind of thing. Not only is it unnecessary and retarded, it can make real news about niggers questionable and certainly doesn't promote what we're doing here.

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-16-2019, 02:22 AM
Great catch BOH, someone photoshopped the shit out of that. It's still a mongrel turd, PS'd or not.

On a side note, I hate when people do that kind of thing. Not only is it unnecessary and retarded, it can make real news about niggers questionable and certainly doesn't promote what we're doing here.

I think you are jumping to a false conclusion. The fact is that you CANNOT trust the so-called "original" photo. It was taken by the royal cucks' servants. And they massively photoshop the "royal" turd's photos before releasing them to MSM.

The above "photoshopped" photo was produced to counteract "Royal" nigger-lovers' bestiality propaganda. It is based on physiognomical estimates. And you can be sure that niglet has the broad ape nose. No matter how much you breed mulattos and quadroons with humans, you can't breed the ape out.

The shit-skinned sheboon Markle itself has had several cosmetic surgeries to make it look more like a "human". And it uses tons of chemicals to make its nigger wool look like human hair.

11-16-2019, 01:23 PM
I think you are jumping to a false conclusion. The fact is that you CANNOT trust the so-called "original" photo. It was taken by the royal cucks' servants. And they massively photoshop the "royal" turd's photos before releasing them to MSM.

The above "photoshopped" photo was produced to counteract "Royal" nigger-lovers' bestiality propaganda. It is based on physiognomical estimates. And you can be sure that niglet has the broad ape nose. No matter how much you breed mulattos and quadroons with humans, you can't breed the ape out.

The shit-skinned sheboon Markle itself has had several cosmetic surgeries to make it look more like a "human". And it uses tons of chemicals to make its nigger wool look like human hair.

That is the standard for all of them including such as the Kartrashians. If you zoom in on the original the nose and lips look pretty much the same. You can tell it has the sickle cell.

This is also a tactic that is used by liberal media outlets when a nigger or even other non white human is light skinned and murders someone. They lighten up the photo to make them look white. Like with Zimmerman for instance. They made him into a white devil for the purpose of pushing their agenda by altering the 911 audio and photoshopping his picture. Had they not been able to manipulate his image it would have died out a lot faster. Sure they would have still made St. Skittles a victim of racism but liberals would have moved on overnight.

11-16-2019, 04:05 PM
OH, PS. I didn't understand how the sprog could have devolved so quickly. :lol

But it might turn out to look like its mother, who certainly looks different now than she did before the plastic surgery, extensive dental work and wool-straightening.


SC Anemia
11-16-2019, 05:17 PM
OH, PS. I didn't understand how the sprog could have devolved so quickly. :lol

But it might turn out to look like its mother, who certainly looks different now than she did before the plastic surgery, extensive dental work and wool-straightening.


Wow Diva...nice find! That's 100% Mississippi field nigger.

11-16-2019, 06:31 PM
Wow Diva...nice find! That's 100% Mississippi field nigger.

It's amazing how many of these "proud, strong black women" will go to any lengths to not look like a nigger.

At age 11. Clearly a nappy-headed sow, which commenters noticed. A nigger in Buckingham Palace! :lol


11-16-2019, 08:53 PM
Holy shit is that real? You know the queen is hoping that thing gets a set of batwings before it can breed in the name of the royal family.

Didn't they off Diana for screwing a sandnigger?

You would have thought they would have done something long ago to prevent the shame brought onto the House of Windsor by Harry's playing around in the Mississippi mud.

He could have had his pick from the vestal virgins of the highest pedigree but picked a divorced worn out halfricoon.

Odin's balls
11-21-2019, 04:19 PM

Looks like you are getting your nigger back for Christmas.

Good luck.

11-21-2019, 04:45 PM
"I'm sure that the Queen would be happy to invite Doria to Sandringham to join them'."

Sure, why not invite the sow? Once you have one nigger in the palace, may as well go all the way and invite the whole pack.