View Full Version : This why you should keep a gun in the house (to defend yourself)

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-14-2019, 01:57 PM
Teenaper, 16, broke into its neighbours' home, fatally shot an 82-year-old man in the face and wounded his wife, 73, to steal the couple's car to visit its "girlfriend'

The teen was arrested hours after the attack on Roger Wood Payne Jr and his wife Nancy Payne in Louisa County.

The woman reportedly survived the shooting by playing dead.

Prosecutors say the 16-year-old rape-ape visited the Paynes' home on South Spotswood Trail twice on Tuesday, returning the second time with a sawed-off shotgun.

The teenape took the couple's cellphones and marched them to the railroad tracks behind their home, where it shot Roger Payne in the face, killing him.

The killer-ape's pappy, Andre Dickerson, said its gooot boooy, that has a prior criminal record and was on probation, had not been 'acting right' in recent weeks and required "mental health" help.


The killer-ape's pic


Killer-ape's wig-beard pappy on Facebook:


PLEASE :avoidgroid

Sell your home and move to a human neighbourhood if niggers move into your area.

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-14-2019, 02:12 PM
Over and over again I read the same ole nigger excuses and the latest is "[B]I has mental illnes". I guess in their tiny coconut noggins they finally figured out the "I'z Dindu Nuffins" wasn't working out to well.

I'm 100% sure these apes don't even know what mental illness is. They are taught by their Libtard coddlers that they (niggers) act like niggers because either "dey beez eeppresssedd 'n sheeit" or "dey habz menteell eelness"

Rape Ape
11-14-2019, 02:19 PM
Yet another object lesson.
Never be fooled by any "magic negroe". I don't care how much of that "nerdy Urkel look" an ape has, it's still a feral ape. There is no such thing as a "magic negroe". They're all niggers, period. Around Blacks, Never Relax. And also:

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-14-2019, 02:29 PM
I agree a thousand percent with you, you should give this a read.... Very well worth it. It tells us "ALL" humans exactly what the nigger is, and how the "system" coddles niggers and their monkey shines. This guy tells it like it is and exposes the nigger for what it really is.



11-14-2019, 03:17 PM
Yet another object lesson.
Never be fooled by any "magic negroe". I don't care how much of that "nerdy Urkel look" an ape has, it's still a feral ape. There is no such thing as a "magic negroe". They're all niggers, period. Around Blacks, Never Relax. And also:

Exactly. All of them are just one millimeter away from violent chimpouts - any time, any place and for any reason no matter how trivial. They are not like us, even though many wailing hypocrites, teary libtards and SJWs insist they are.

Serpents reign
11-17-2019, 04:08 AM
this really proves the point that niggers should not be living among humans and I do agree heavily that every man and woman starting from age 12 should learn how to use a firearm properly and purchase one when it's legal to do so either at 18 or 21 we need to keep ourselves protected at all times

11-18-2019, 07:21 PM
Yet the apes love to accuse YT of using the mental health cop out vis a vis the rare mass shooter, even though not one of them ever used it his criminal defense. Nor do I know any body who really thought it was just a mental health thing to explain away the like of Paddocks or Lanza. They were scumbags first and foremost. This subhuman murdered 2 people to use their car