View Full Version : Attacks by homeless on rise in "diverse" and Communist "paradise" of California

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-13-2019, 04:55 PM
So far this year, 6,677 homeless people have been arrested in Los Angeles, up from 4,763 in 2017. The number of violent assault cases increased to 2,496 in 2019 from 1,763 in 2017.

A LAPD spokesperson told Fox News: "We have a lot of homeless people in Los Angeles."


11-13-2019, 08:20 PM
Just wait until the stats are released for the "sanctuary" cities and how much crime has risen. Homeless often commit crimes just to be able to get into jail and get a checkup, a shower, and a hot meal. It is another piece of the revolving door prison system. There is so much we could do with these homeless people to employ them and get them on their feet. The problem is most do not actually want it and many are notoriously unreliable which is what led them to be homeless in the first place.

SC Anemia
11-13-2019, 08:40 PM
I really don't know what the appeal is. Though I grew up in southern California, I now live in the central valley. Some people hear 'California' and think palm trees, surfing, movie stars, Hollywood and all that shit. It just isnt so.

Where I am, or for that matter anywhere that's half an hour from the coast, this might as well be some shithole dump in Arizona, New Mexico or East Texas.

You wouldn't think so judging by the real estate prices or cost of living though.

Meanwhile the homeless situation is WAY off the charts. If I'm going to be honest here, they aren't niggers or messicans either. Mostly white trash scum.

All I know is I'm fuckin tired of the aggresive panhandling and the homeless camps (read: drug dens) full of doped-up, stoned and drunk assholes. That and the trash everywhere.
Sacramento needs to stop pandering, hand-wringing and " Aw those poor people" bullshit pronto. Sometimes I wish this were one of those apocalypse movies where I could click the next asshole who asks me for change right in the forehead, step over the corpse and head into the store for whatever I came for.

Meth is also a huge problem that's as common among the homeless as oxygen. It's what also fuels the crime.

11-14-2019, 03:28 AM
We will never get a handle on the homeless problem until we get a handle on two other problems:

1. The opioid and drug epidemic.
2. Jobs outsourcing.

And maybe something to deal with outrageous rents. I'm certainly no socialist, but I have to wonder how much worse NYC would be without rent controls.

11-14-2019, 01:53 PM
We will never get a handle on the homeless problem until we get a handle on two other problems:

1. The opioid and drug epidemic.
2. Jobs outsourcing.

And maybe something to deal with outrageous rents. I'm certainly no socialist, but I have to wonder how much worse NYC would be without rent controls.

If history continues to prove right and repeat itself as it does, people who cannot afford to live or work there will move to where the jobs are. The market will adjust especially when businesses start to leave. If you think about it, good workers and good jobs follow each other. Just look at states like TX with no income taxes and you'll see it.

The worms are eating the Big Crapple from the inside out. It's what worms do. Bugs lay eggs in the bloom. Eggs hatch in the center of the fruit and consume it before you know it's rotting. Don't eat the Big Crapple or any other fruit without careful exam but if you do, it's better to find a whole worm than a half of one. Either way, when you see the worm drop the fruit and spit. It's already too late.

This will be the only thing that voters will get tired of if they want to stay. Only then will they get their heads out of their collective socialist liberal assholes and get rid of the likes of Bill (the rich) Deblasio.

Working citizens will not simply pore out onto the streets to take shelter under cardboard boxes. You hit the nail on the head especially with #1. People who want to stay on the streets will continue to do so. They make up the majority of homeless. I call them niggers and voluntary niggers. Most of them don't even want to go to a shelter because they don't like curfews or the no drugs policy and they REALLY like their drugs more than three hots and a cot.

Personally, I don't like the word homeless being slung around as it is. We called them vagrants, bums, winos and junkies when I was young. Really nothing has changed much but the nomenclature. Nothing pisses me off quite like these scum holding up cardboard signs while making more money than most just to turn around and blow it on drugs. When I see the word "veteran" on those signs, I want to scream because I know damn well better. They don't just steal valor, they devalue it for the rest of us.

Vets live thru and with the scars of their service while they live off of the kindness of the misguided. We volunteered for service. They volunteered for niggerdom no matter the color. Give the birth niggers a gold star in lieu of second award as we say.

Yes, even bums go where the jobs are. They're just not the ones filling them. How often do you hear of one living out in the sticks under a log eating bugs or rats? Don't bother looking, you won't find them. The Ted Kaczynskis of the world are few, far between, and very elusive.

Rape Ape
11-14-2019, 04:41 PM
IMO, 99% or more of the bums on the street are mentally ill, junkies, or both. (Or they're just niggers, but that's its own category.)

They don't WANT to be in a shelter because they don't allow alcohol, dope, or smoking there. And they certainly don't want jobs (at least most of them.) Honestly, they belong in a facility, since obviously they're not capable of taking care of themselves like grown adults. Inhumane to lock them up? How much more so than letting them shiver under a bridge like a stray flea infested dog? Because I guarantee you, left to their own devices, that's all they'll ever do.

The niggers wandering on the street, however, only do so because they're niggers. They also should be locked up, but in their case, because they're niggers.

SC Anemia
11-14-2019, 04:59 PM
If history continues to prove right and repeat itself as it does, people who cannot afford to live or work there will move to where the jobs are. The market will adjust especially when businesses start to leave. If you think about it, good workers and good jobs follow each other. Just look at states like TX with no income taxes and you'll see it.

Right now businesses and people are leaving California in record numbers. The movie and television industry has already bailed. They dont shoot movies or TV here anymore and I'm happy to see it.

Small business gets regulated and taxed out of existence. Real estate and housing costs are off the fuckin charts and for what?
Even a modest 1-2 bedroom apartments are going for around 2,000 a month. Unless your a nigger in section 8.

I'd be living large in most any other state (except NY) in the country for what I'm currently paying and I live in a shithole town in the middle of nowhere. But because my return address has CA on the third line somehow I'm living in Shangra La?

I'm biding my time for a year or two and I'll be leaving a vapor trail on my out of this state.

Oh yeah, how's that gun control, background checks for ammunition sales, magazine capacity restriction, gun free zones and sanctuary city shit working for you Gavin Newsom? 5 kids were shot, and two were killed this morning in a CA school by a 16 year old. Way to go Newsom you stupid, virtue signaling motherfucker!

Sorry, had to rant.

SC Anemia
11-14-2019, 06:47 PM
This video says it all.


11-14-2019, 08:33 PM
I really don't know what the appeal is. Though I grew up in southern California, I now live in the central valley. Some people hear 'California' and think palm trees, surfing, movie stars, Hollywood and all that shit. It just isnt so.

Where I am, or for that matter anywhere that's half an hour from the coast, this might as well be some shithole dump in Arizona, New Mexico or East Texas.

You wouldn't think so judging by the real estate prices or cost of living though.

Meanwhile the homeless situation is WAY off the charts. If I'm going to be honest here, they aren't niggers or messicans either. Mostly white trash scum.

All I know is I'm fuckin tired of the aggresive panhandling and the homeless camps (read: drug dens) full of doped-up, stoned and drunk assholes. That and the trash everywhere.
Sacramento needs to stop pandering, hand-wringing and " Aw those poor people" bullshit pronto. Sometimes I wish this were one of those apocalypse movies where I could click the next asshole who asks me for change right in the forehead, step over the corpse and head into the store for whatever I came for.

Meth is also a huge problem that's as common among the homeless as oxygen. It's what also fuels the crime.

I spent a few years in Hawaii. Every time it came up I was told how "lucky" I was. Sure, the coastal views and mountains were great and it is never cold on the island I lived on. But... Prices were sky high on everything. The homeless situation was out of control. They are VERY aggressive. They hang out on the beach all day then head on up into the city to sleep on the sidewalk. I had a homeless nigger cross the street to get in front of me and not ask for a dollar, tell me to give him a dollar. This nigger had an ipod and new clown shoes. Not that I would have given a nigger money in the first place.

If you were any more than a few miles from the beaches it is just like any other shithole in the country. It is a great place to visit but a shitty place to live if you like leaving your house.