View Full Version : Brainwashed 13-y-o girl raped by a Brooklyn nigger

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-12-2019, 04:06 AM
Cops are on the hunt for a snake-head nigger that raped a young girl in Brooklyn Friday night.

The 13-year-old girl was walking to a friend’s house in Canarsie when she met up with an unidentified nigger around 11:30 p.m. The brainwashed teen, who was under the influence of Libtard propaganda, engaged in conversation with the nigger and walked with it to a residence near East 102nd Street and Avenue M where she was then raped.


Serpents reign
11-12-2019, 06:11 AM
This is a result of media brainwashing telling young girls that niggers are so cool and wonderful. Where is her father? Where are the men in her life to have warned her about the Savage nature of these Apes?

11-12-2019, 12:19 PM
Are we sure this is a white girl?

What kind of parents let their 13-year-old daughter text with full-grown niggers and go out by herself at 11:30p.m.?