View Full Version : Nigger literally beats man's skull in, charged with "misdemeanour" Warning: Shocking, horrific pics post-nigger attack.

11-09-2019, 03:12 PM
Hey, the nigger didn't really mean it and only hit him once with the baseball bat. I'm sure he's sorry.

Steven Augustine, 32, has been fighting for his life since May 2018 after doctors say he was beaten with a baseball bat while walking home from work in New York, US.



Mentat of House Atreides
11-09-2019, 03:33 PM

11-09-2019, 05:11 PM
Was just about to post this article. It's absolutely sickening seeing the damage this nigger did.

And let out of NU after 2 months? Unbelievable. Just absolutely unbelievable

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11-09-2019, 08:07 PM
There just aren't words....:angry

SC Anemia
11-09-2019, 09:53 PM
Ulster County District Attorney Holley Carnright told ABC 7 News that since Miles did not intend to cause serious physical harm, his office could not bring felony assault charges against him.

Because he didn't mean to?

Because he only hit him once or twice (in the fuckin skull) with the bat and it was when his head hit the ground that the serious injury occurred.

Seems to me his head would have never hit the ground in the first place if the nigger hadn't caused him to. 72 days in NU on a misdemeanor ?


Isn't that like getting killed by a train but the person who pushed you onto the tracks didn't actually inflict the injuries themselves?

Rape Ape
11-10-2019, 12:09 AM
Don't want to get banned...
Don't want to get banned...