View Full Version : White woman sues Starbucks over firing

11-04-2019, 09:37 AM
After two niggadelphia darkies were arrested for loitering, corporate over-reached and over-reacted to the bad press by throwing white workers under the bus:

From https://thenationalsentinel.com/2019/11/03/white-woman-fired-by-starbucks-files-racial-discrimination-lawsuit/

The franchise took ‘action.’ All employees at the 8,000 coffee shops were required to take ‘racial sensitivity’ training and white managers and regional managers were fired.

Shannon Phillips, a white woman formerly in charge of “retail operations in southern New Jersey, the Philadelphia region, Delaware, and parts of Maryland,” according to The Philadelphia Inquirer, was one of those who was terminated.

No they are getting sued. I hope she takes them for all they and their overpriced coffees are worth.

Screw'em all. I make my own damn coffee anyway. :coffee

SC Anemia
11-04-2019, 09:58 AM
The womans lawsuit states in part...

"took steps to punish white employes who had not been involved in the arrests … in an effort to convince the community that it had properly responded to the incident."

And she's goddamn right! That's exactly what those leftist weenies did and continue to do.

In fact it's become the status quo at these chickenshit corporations to throw anyone and everyone under the bus in some desperate, pathetic need to virtue signal to anyone who's buying that bullshit.

Nobody has a fuckin spine anymore. Sad...


11-04-2019, 10:54 AM
After two niggadelphia darkies were arrested for loitering, corporate over-reached and over-reacted to the bad press by throwing white workers under the bus:

From https://thenationalsentinel.com/2019/11/03/white-woman-fired-by-starbucks-files-racial-discrimination-lawsuit/

The franchise took ‘action.’ All employees at the 8,000 coffee shops were required to take ‘racial sensitivity’ training and white managers and regional managers were fired.

Shannon Phillips, a white woman formerly in charge of “retail operations in southern New Jersey, the Philadelphia region, Delaware, and parts of Maryland,” according to The Philadelphia Inquirer, was one of those who was terminated.

No they are getting sued. I hope she takes them for all they and their overpriced coffees are worth.

Screw'em all. I make my own damn coffee anyway. :coffee

I hope dis whyte wimmenz wins the nigger LOTTO in spades!!

11-04-2019, 11:01 AM
Those jigs had about a dozen chances to leave peacefully but they kept hanging out there as if Starfucks was the stoop of their nest hovel

White Orchid
11-04-2019, 11:52 AM
I hope she cleans them out for every damn penny. I make my own coffee at home most of the time and the rare times I do get some while out, Dunkin Donuts is far better anyway.

Rape Ape
11-04-2019, 12:26 PM
I'm far too cheap to buy $6/cup overpriced sludge at Tarbacks. Unfortunately, they'll always find enough "woke" libtard suckers who are such retards they can't even operate a Mr. Coffee, so they probably won't go under any time soon. No matter, Tarbacks can cater to the tarbacks and their lovers. They won't get my business.

11-04-2019, 12:35 PM
Damn straight all around guys. Black Rifle and DD are the both awesome and nobody has to wait for man bun boy or Secretia to fuck it up then expect a tip just because they call themselves baristas. From the looks of all of them I've seen they already get too many tips - and the rest if you nomesayin.

P.S. to Orchid. My coffee is allowed to say NIGGER too. It's also black.:lol

White Orchid
11-04-2019, 06:04 PM
P.S. to Orchid. My coffee is allowed to say NIGGER too. It's also black.:lol


Best kind of coffee!

SC Anemia
11-04-2019, 09:23 PM
I'm far too cheap to buy $6/cup overpriced sludge at Tarbacks. Unfortunately, they'll always find enough "woke" libtard suckers who are such retards they can't even operate a Mr. Coffee, so they probably won't go under any time soon. No matter, Tarbacks can cater to the tarbacks and their lovers. They won't get my business.

I'm in the same camp. There was a time when I was into some of the better coffees. San Francisco, Peets, Black Rifle et.al.

Meh, these days I dont grind beans anymore. Just some good old Folgers in my Mr. Coffee. Good enough. I'm not a coffee snob and sure as hell don't frequent Starcucks.

11-04-2019, 09:52 PM
I'm in the same camp. There was a time when I was into some of the better coffees. San Francisco, Peets, Black Rifle et.al.

Meh, these days I dont grind beans anymore. Just some good old Folgers in my Mr. Coffee. Good enough. I'm not a coffee snob and sure as hell don't frequent Starcucks.

I don't drink coffee but I imagine there is a difference between Folgers and a high end brew. But the "coffee" AKA milkshakes that starcuck's sells are just that. Hot milkshakes loaded with sugars. Besides that, fuck them and their ass lifter and nigger loving. Fuck Keurig as well. Great concept but I hear it tastes like shit, is overpriced, and not to sound like a soy boy but they generate a lot of waste.

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-07-2019, 06:19 PM
For years, I had Starbuck's almost every weekday. There was a store in the lobby of our building. I have no idea how many thousands of dollars I gave them over the years.

After a few pro-nigger/anti-Human incidents like this, I began boycotting about a year ago. My wife still goes there, but I don't. Within a 3-mile radius of here, there are a half dozen mom-and-pop coffee stands. They get my daily business. Most school-day mornings I drive the girls to school and all three of us generally get something. I like supporting local businesses.

Witch Doctor :witch mentioned Black Rifle Coffee. The "JB" roast is amazing -- better than any Starbuck's I've ever had. It's a pro-America, veteran-owned outfit.

11-07-2019, 06:38 PM
starbucks hasn't bent over backwards enough.