View Full Version : The Ultimate Beta Cuck

11-02-2019, 07:37 PM
I don't call this thing a driller. I doubt he has the wherewithal to do any drilling, but he's happy to raise his sow's hellspawn. Men: What happened???


11-02-2019, 09:31 PM
Effeminate soy boi fag.

11-02-2019, 09:35 PM
I think these soy boys are just so impressionable, and now fully believe that niggers as equals, and it's fashionable to have a black ugly shitskin female as its partner.

11-03-2019, 11:26 AM
I bet any amount of money that beta soy boy has a "Man Bun"

I just noticed his glasses. Is it my color blindness or are those actually pink frames?

11-03-2019, 12:08 PM
"Todd" is the typical Nu-Male beta cuck that is flourishing everywhere - Libtard, "quirky" glasses, scraggly beard, man bun, chubby round face with no definition and posting pansy-assed stupid shit on Instagram with idiotic hashtags and is happy to take the leavings of some nigger buck.

I swear I hate betas almost as much as I hate niggers.:fume

11-03-2019, 12:19 PM
"todd" is the typical nu-male beta cuck that is flourishing everywhere - libtard, "quirky" glasses, scraggly beard, man bun, chubby round face with no definition and posting pansy-assed stupid shit on instagram with idiotic hashtags and is happy to take the leavings of some nigger buck.

I swear i hate betas almost as much as i hate niggers.:fume

todd getcho azz up an gets to work! Dis weave aint goanna pay fo itseff! You bess be gitt-ann
a bettuh job din staahhbux. I needs to git my nayurls done.

You bess be changin orangello, lemongello and shi'theads diapuz too iffunz you eveh wonna see dis good puzzey!

11-03-2019, 01:18 PM
^^ I see my summation of it was correct. Disgusting.

11-03-2019, 04:51 PM
I don't call this thing a driller. I doubt he has the wherewithal to do any drilling, but he's happy to raise his sow's hellspawn. Men: What happened???


I'll bet this pansy @$$ voted for killary and 0bungh0le twice!!

11-04-2019, 09:08 AM
He will be a "victim" before the first one turns 12. Probably for telling it not to muh dik its brothers.

SC Anemia
11-04-2019, 10:11 AM
Holy shit! On "it's" (questionable presence of testes, so I'll skip the gender lable) Instafag page its holding some book and posted this...

To be honest, I've found it hard to read in the last year or so. Our life has been hard in a handful of ways, both small and overwhelmingly large. At a former colleague's recommendation, I got a copy of @kieselaymon's HEAVY. You know, something light. (FYI, a very appropriate, and also complex title). Since September of 2017, I have challenged myself personally to not read anything for pleasure written by a white person. I have done this in order to listen and learn from communities of color, to honor both pain and struggle and find triumph and richness in places where the average white person is not willing to look in the eye because we might fear to see or hear how we have contributed to the struggle and pain of those communities.

11-04-2019, 01:18 PM
^^^ Jesus H! They're all alike.

Symptoms of White Guilt, the WebMD profile:

- Hypersensitive awareness of both number and type of friends of color
- Affirmative-action dating
- Having a lot of opinions about "La La Land"
- Asking, "When did America get so racist?"
- Thanking police officers at protests
- Dissociation when finding out that Alexander Hamilton had slaves
- Dissociation when finding out that Thomas Jefferson had slaves
- Dissociation when finding out about history from 1492-???
- Live-texting brown friends while watching "Master of None"
- Nausea


White Orchid
11-04-2019, 06:08 PM
"Todd" is the typical Nu-Male beta cuck that is flourishing everywhere - Libtard, "quirky" glasses, scraggly beard, man bun, chubby round face with no definition and posting pansy-assed stupid shit on Instagram with idiotic hashtags and is happy to take the leavings of some nigger buck.

I swear I hate betas almost as much as I hate niggers.:fume

I'm with you there. I don't know which is fucking worse.

11-04-2019, 06:57 PM
About a week ago i was down in my now fuxated nigger/somalicoon hometown in central mn. I was in target and i can hear some filthy sheboon yapping at its sprog in the next toy aisle. Yep, comes around the corner in the sheboon scooter. Sow was over 300. Has the usual 3 sprogs with , then all of a sudden I see soy boy cuck boyfriend with them 5 mins later. Could have been the twin brother of the cuck in this thread. I drove by them in the parking lot, lowered my windown and said, you nigger loving cuck!!!

SC Anemia
11-04-2019, 08:36 PM
I swear I hate betas almost as much as I hate niggers.:fume

I'm completely with ya there kiddo. I really, really cant stand them. I just want to deliver a swift kick in the raisins.

I always thought Obunghole was the ultimate nigger-beta cuck. The groid version of this dude. Probably why I hated him so much, a double whammy...nigger and a cuck.

11-04-2019, 09:57 PM
He wants to read "people of color" aka nigger literature? Here is an example.


11-04-2019, 10:42 PM

I always thought Obunghole was the ultimate nigger-beta cuck.

For sure he's a cuck, but Michael certainly isn't.


SC Anemia
11-05-2019, 12:10 AM

Oh look....a Ferrari and a dump truck. :lol

White Orchid
11-05-2019, 12:49 PM
You have to look at this beta cucks Instanig page. Total libtard nigger loving soyboy.



Fucking hell. Mental illness at its worst.

11-08-2019, 02:56 PM
Here's a strong contender that I found last night. It would be merciful if a car hit that "man" and put him out of his misery.