View Full Version : Niggers, wiggers & antifa scum hold anti-cop protest because they hate paying subway fares

Whitey Ford
11-02-2019, 07:29 PM
Chaos in Brooklyn as 1,000 anti-cop protesters storm subway stations yelling 'don't let these pigs touch us' after a spate of violent arrests and the city's vow to add even MORE officers to crackdown on anyone not paying the $2.75 fare

Nearly a thousand protesters took to the streets of Brooklyn to demonstrate against the NYPD after a spate of violent arrests on the subway and over its plans to put more officers on the beat to catch anyone who skips paying the fare.

The protesters started gathering in Downtown Brooklyn near Barclays Center at about 7pm Friday, with their signs reflecting the dual nature of the march.

While flashier banners bore slogans such as 'Don't let these pigs touch us,' 'F**k the police,' 'Punch that cop' and 'NYPD out of MTA,' other signs read 'Free transit,' 'Poverty is not a crime' and 'Our subways need more $ for elevators, not for cops.'


Over the course of the two-hour protest, participants blocked traffic, shouted obscenities at nearby officers, jumped the subway turnstile en masse and committed acts of vandalization.

One group of protesters was seen surrounding a MTA bus, vandalizing it with stickers and writing anti-police graffiti on it, while passengers were aboard, according to the New York Post.

Passengers told the newspaper that the demonstrators were 'banging on the bus' and that one 'kid with a white mask and a hoodie' used a marker to scrawl graffiti - 'F**k NYPD' and 'NYPD KKK' - on the bus.

'I’m not gonna lie, it was scary,' a passenger said after getting off the bus.

11-03-2019, 12:08 PM
Paying for stuff is RACIST!

Niggers think it should be ok to be violent felons and then cry when they get the shit kicked out of them. They cry yet again when a fellow nigger robs and/or murders a nigger they know. Then the police "didn't do enough"...

11-03-2019, 09:36 PM
This is why I am very glad I no longer work in the transit industry. Hell, you couldn't pay me enough to go back to this kind of crap. Lot of areas now are going the direction of free fare cards for niggers. Supposedly for anyone low income, but we all know YT won't get in on it. Chicago area, a nigger without a free fare card is pretty rare. I imagine Nig York is the same too.

Back when I worked transit, nigs with free ride passes would scratch off the photo on the pass then let their friends use the pass. Protocol was to confiscate the pass and remove whoever was using it. Chimpouts usually ensued. My guess is the Nig Yorkers were doing something similar. Which means, even if you give a nigger something they'll still chimp out over it.

My solution is to stop giving niggers ANYTHING. They chimp out either way. Even the stupidest and most feral of animals can register some kindness when given food or care. Niggers are lower than animals.

11-03-2019, 09:40 PM
This is why I am very glad I no longer work in the transit industry. Hell, you couldn't pay me enough to go back to this kind of crap. Lot of areas now are going the direction of free fare cards for niggers. Supposedly for anyone low income, but we all know YT won't get in on it. Chicago area, a nigger without a free fare card is pretty rare. I imagine Nig York is the same too.

Back when I worked transit, nigs with free ride passes would scratch off the photo on the pass then let their friends use the pass. Protocol was to confiscate the pass and remove whoever was using it. Chimpouts usually ensued. My guess is the Nig Yorkers were doing something similar. Which means, even if you give a nigger something they'll still chimp out over it.

My solution is to stop giving niggers ANYTHING. They chimp out either way. Even the stupidest and most feral of animals can register some kindness when given food or care. Niggers are lower than animals.

They are the LOWEST subhuman species that ever existed!!

11-03-2019, 09:46 PM
They are the LOWEST subhuman species that ever existed!!

Subhuman really is a few steps up. They're more along the lines of a parasite. Latch onto a host, destroy the host, move on. Incapable of rational thought, all they know is consume and destroy. Even if it means destroying what they latch onto.

11-05-2019, 01:20 AM
So arresting deadbeat nigger cheats for dodging the subway fares is police terrorism against fecal colored peepul? Their brown brains are the problem

11-05-2019, 02:14 AM
Blakk and brown,
sounds like something you flush down.