View Full Version : Evil, rayciss Trump keeping Congo niggers from invading Montana

Whitey Ford
11-02-2019, 05:07 PM
These Refugees Escaped Congo, but Trump’s Policies May Strand Loved Ones
In the coming days, President Trump will finalize the lowest annual cap in the refugee program’s history. In Missoula, Congolese refugees are facing the repercussions.


As the White House prepares to finalize the fiscal year’s refugee cap at 18,000, the lowest number since the program was created four decades ago, many of the nearly 200 Congolese who settled in Missoula have answered desperate calls from relatives who have waited years in camps in Uganda or Tanzania for refuge in the United States. One woman has been pleading with community leaders to help her son, who recently emerged from a coma and is now alone in a camp. A local preacher prepared his three children to go to the airport last month to welcome their uncle, only to find out the morning of the arrival that the flight had been canceled.

18,000! That's 18,000 too fucking many. These niggers breed like goddamn cockroaches.

Mr. Trump has made restricting refugee admissions part of his broader goal to limit immigration. This fiscal year’s 18,000 is down from the 30,000 let in between October 2018 and September 2019, and that was a fraction of the 110,000 that President Barack Obama offered refuge in the 2017 fiscal year.

The shriveling of the program comes as the number of people fleeing violence and persecution in the world totaled 70 million last year, the highest recorded since World War II. Mr. Trump is expected to finalize his refugee cap in the coming days, which will pair with a potentially divisive executive order that gives local activists more power to reject refugees chosen for resettlement in their communities. Together, the cap and the order will change the complexion of the nation’s refugee program.

“It’s a political ploy, putting our program at risk and causing fear among those who ought to be welcomed to a better life in Montana,” said the state’s governor, Steve Bullock, a Democratic presidential candidate.

And they always have to import these filthy nogs into the whitest areas of the US. Because we all know that to be truly 'diverse' we have to wipe out all traces of White People.

11-02-2019, 06:23 PM
but Trump’s Policies May Strand Loved Ones

"Loved ones"? Savage Congo niggers have loved ones? These niggers would kill and skin their own mothers if they thought they could make a nickel from it. What planet are these libtards living on???

One woman has been pleading with community leaders to help her son, who recently emerged from a coma and is now alone in a camp.
Just tugs at the heartstrings, doesn't it? I wonder how many human beings need help and can't get it because every dollar now has to go to aiding and abetting the invasion of niggers and muzzies?

I'm sure the humans of Montana are itching to have a bunch of feral nogs living among them, robbing and raping and sucking up the tax dollars of hard-working people. I really wonder how many of these political figures who are crying over savage niggers would want them living next door?

Rape Ape
11-03-2019, 12:50 AM
They should of course re-unite these apes with their "loved ones". ("Loved ones" ... :lmao) ....
:back to africa

11-03-2019, 02:17 AM
I don't want ebola.
They have all kinds of weird viruses unknown to man.

11-03-2019, 05:20 AM
I don't want ebola.
They have all kinds of weird viruses unknown to man.

AIDS came from a nigger screwing a monkey. That entire continent is damned for it's history of despicable behavior throughout history and our so called leaders let them in here without so much as a blood test much less a background check. Meanwhile, you can't even move to Hawaii without putting your pet into an up to 120 day quarantine. Even military transfers take it in the shorts over this one which cost over 1 grand per animal. Some families transfer on short fused orders. Tough titties guys. If your lucky, you command might reimburse you for half the cost for one pet and one pet only.

Nigger ruin everything and politicians invite them to do so with open arms and a bucket of cash in each hand.:fume

11-03-2019, 11:59 AM

Sorry but we dont need more niggers here.

11-05-2019, 12:00 AM
These Refugees Escaped Congo, but Trump’s Policies May Strand Loved Ones
In the coming days, President Trump will finalize the lowest annual cap in the refugee program’s history. In Missoula, Congolese refugees are facing the repercussions.


18,000! That's 18,000 too fucking many. These niggers breed like goddamn cockroaches.

And they always have to import these filthy nogs into the whitest areas of the US. Because we all know that to be truly 'diverse' we have to wipe out all traces of White People.

Why the FUCK would NIGGERS want to live in Montana where it is cold as hell and they don't give a lot of gibs??

SC Anemia
11-05-2019, 12:56 AM
Why the FUCK would NIGGERS want to live in Montana where it is cold as hell and they don't give a lot of gibs??

The first house I ever bought was in Missoula, Montana. That was back in the late 70's and Missoula, well all of Montana, is absolutely beautiful. There is a University of Montana campus in Missoula so maybe that's part of it. College pussy, who knows?

While it is stunningly beautiful, you're right about the weather. July, August and winter is about what you get there. That's why I sold my house and moved. Not kidding at all, we couldn't stand another winter there.

01-19-2020, 07:41 AM
Whaa Whaa sob stories about these poor niggers just doesn't work like it used to. Humans are waking up to the truth that african niggers bring nothing but crime and filthy nigger culture to where ever they go. Any politician that advocates for bringing these AIDS apes to our homeland should have to host a nog fambly in their home. I bet they wouldn't be waving the welcome flag anymore.