View Full Version : Do you think this killer is a mulatto?

Allah the Pig-Fucker
10-31-2019, 04:23 PM
Teen murders girlfriend and unborn baby after she refused abortion

Do you think the killer is a mulatto or a quadroon?


The dead girlfriend


10-31-2019, 04:32 PM
I remember this filth. Quadroon, but as we say here, one drop nigger = 100% nigger. Coalburner got what it deserved.

10-31-2019, 09:50 PM
I remember this filth. Quadroon, but as we say here, one drop nigger = 100% nigger. Coalburner got what it deserved.

Yep. 1% is equal to 100% when it is concerning nigger DNA. Just like an Olympic sized swimming pool that someone takes a shit in. You still have shitty water.

10-31-2019, 11:28 PM
Teen murders girlfriend and unborn baby after she refused abortion

Do you think the killer is a mulatto or a quadroon?


The dead girlfriend


I'll say quadroon. Not quite apelike features, but the pubic hair on it's haid gives it away!!

Mentat of House Atreides
11-01-2019, 09:16 AM
Do you think the killer is a mulatto or a quadroon?

Mulatto! And that's a really a kind definition for a filthy, stinking, half-breed, homicidal, nigger animal! Then again, it was only a coal-burning mudshark who got what it deserved, so who really cares?

Aaron Trejo pleads guilty in murder of pregnant Mishawaka teen Breana Rouhselang


11-01-2019, 09:27 AM
Mulatto! And that's a really a kind definition for a filthy, stinking, half-breed, homicidal, nigger animal! Then again, it was only a coal-burning mudshark who got what it deserved, so who really cares?


Trejo is a Spanish name, so that would make this horrible primate a spigger.

Mentat of House Atreides
11-01-2019, 09:32 AM
I stand corrected!

Mulatto! And that's a really a kind definition for a filthy, stinking, half-breed, homicidal, nigger spigger animal! Then again, it was only a coal-burning mudshark who got what it deserved, so who really cares?


(Just an aside: Damn this site is easy to use!)

Whitey Ford
11-04-2019, 12:53 AM
She was a cheerleader at her school. This bizarre looking, aberrational, freak of nature mixed monkey was a feetsball monkeyballer. Take note, never send your daughters to public schools where mudmonkeys are praised as champion monkeyballers, or this might happen. Private schools, charter schools or home school, but never send them to monkey laden public schools.

Sometimes I think America is turning into some sort of nigger appreciation society and mulatto breeding program.

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-04-2019, 04:45 AM
Sometimes I think America is turning into some sort of nigger appreciation society and mulatto breeding program.

My thoughts exactly.

It really baffles me to see some humans (i.e. Libtards) glorifying the wild and repulsive ape beasts known as Niggers. Why on earth would anyone want to live side by side, let alone commit bestiality, with these wild and disgusting animals? I think Haywood is right in saying that Libtardism is a mental disease. It's the only explanation!